Peter Parker x Male Reader

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Hi hi hi. Happy Valentine's day!!

[Edit] I was tired and this was originally on a person who asked for no nsfw content, I forgot my research from before and I am sorry.

I'll try to muster up some motivation to work on, what is it? 5 fics I have planned?

Anyways, I hope your having a lovely valentines day, or have one depending on the time!

This is mostly just a lime-y (barely still able to be called a lime due to the lemony themes), fluff story, it ends abruptly, its mostly for a stupid joke, just being absolutely in love together and comfortable with eachother.

Reason being is I have a few Valentine's week fics planned, I might even post again today. :)

So lately I've developed extremely dry lips, my life depends on how close my chapstick is.

So obviously I put that shit on before I go to bed, or it even dries and I forget I even put it on.

Today I fell asleep with some on, I woke up and started to nibble on Idk like a hoodie string. And started to question why it tasted like Coca Cola till I realised.

Dry lips is a thing people experience at least a bit, so I thought this would be funny.



(69 on Valentines!!!?!?? 😟😟😧😧)

Honestly you weren't that surprised when Peter asked you to do something "special" on valentines day.

And you weren't that surprised when he stripped his lower clothing off, leaving him in his plain white sweater.

You weren't exactly surprised how he got on top of you, and undid your pants.

His cock was level with your mouth, you would have done it regardless, but the soft whine of excitement that left Peter as you put his length in your mouth was enough incentive.

His mouth was already around yours at this point, he began bobbing his head enthusiasticly.

You however, had just woken up about 2 hours ago and were still chill and slightly sleepy.

You decided to go with a medium pace, your hands gently holding Peter's hips as you sucked him off.

If your honest, Peter came over and woke you up this morning with devious actions in mind, but it seemed he hadn't figured it out until a bit ago.

69, what a creative way to explore valentines day.

You weren't complaining of course.

Your lips were starting to make their dryness apparent as your own saliva rubbed up against them as you, yknow.

However it was a mild sensation, one that you were ignoring quite well.

That was until you noticed the sweet flavor to Peter's dick. This caused your lidded eyes to show a bit more interest.

It was a very light flavor, but it was unusual none the less.

You pulled off gently, giving the underside of his cock a lick. You smirked and chuckled softly.

"Your cock tastes like Coca Cola.." You said only half teasingly.

Peter with a groan of partial annoyance pulled off and looked underneath himself to see you.

"Thats your own chapstick you dumbass."

It took a second for your still sleepy brain to process and you chuckled.

"Oh it is.."

Peter chuckled.

"I bet it makes cock sucking interesting.." Peter added before sucking again.

"Yeah, just wait til one day my lips hurt from dryness while I do it. Watch it be fun then." You said with a finishing giggle.

Yeah this was way too short but I'm too tired to finish it plus I didnt think this out much at all.

Just a lazy lovers sex(y) scene. Honestly, Idk people read smutty scenes on valentines day but I just wanted to slow down today.

I don't like this one so much cus I didn't really know who to write about to begin with, I'm neutral to both versions I made, cute scenario tbh. :/

(Also, to my future lover thanks for still not being here for me, fuck you too bitch, lots of kisses and snuggles.)

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now