Adam Goldberg x Male Reader

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"If you stay patience, you'll meet your Juliet."
Alright the quote above is from the show, I just thought he was pretty cute. So this might become a smut depending how it goes as I write. (Writer can determine this is a lime, not a lemon.)

Also your 1 year older than him.

Y/N Pov

I gulp, I look at the list of names of who's signed up for the play. I'm not even sure what it is, but seeing that there are no bullies I sign up. I'm kinda a play nerd, I look up to the name.

.....Its fucking Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.....

FUCK.... I don't wanna do this now...

Flash Back~


"Hush hush mister. Oh, you look so cute! My cute little mister-" My mother begins as she buttons my shirt.

"Mama I don't wanna kiss a girl!" I pout.

My mom stops and looks at me with big surprised eyes.

"Wha..... Why not sweetie? Every boy wants to kiss a girl." She says smiling to the end.

"But.... But I wanna kiss a boy..." I pout out again.

"Sweetie... I accept what your saying.... But its just a chaste kiss." She says while smiling bigger.

She continues to fix my clothing, while I stare into space.

"What's chaste mean?" I ask.

She bursts out laughing.

Flash Back ended

(I know 5 year olds wouldn't do that play but just go with it. Please don't make fun of me.. Г^Г )

I walk off quickly since school just ended, our teacher let us out a minute early. Suddenly I hear a fast pair of foot steps walk up next to me, I suddenly realize how fast I had been walking. I slow down a bit, I turn to my side and my eyes widen. I see a excited male with a wide open mouth smile and glasses and cute dimples.

"So uh-hey. I saw you signed up for Romeo and Juliet, I did too." He says happily.

"Uh, oh cool." I say shyly.

"Uh.Um. Maybe we can be play buddies?" He asks happily.

"That would be great!" I say enthusiasticly.

Ive actually been looking for one of those for a while now, ever since I joined this school. Suddenly I notice that this boy was quite shorter than me, must be a late bloomer. Or...

"Hey, are we the same grade?" I ask him.

He gives a deep in thought face for a while.

"No, your a year older." He replies.

I nod, then I push the doors open for us right as the bell rings and I can hear running horomone factories.

"Whats your name?" I ask.

He smiles, "Adam Fredrick Goldberg, yours?" He says happily.

"Y/N M/N L/N." I respond.

This kid is a bit strange with the middle names but whatever.


I sigh happily, we just got done with our 6th play rehearsal. I'm so happy they didn't give me Romeo, but instead I'm Romeo's friend Mercutio who dies. I feel as though I play a big role in that, I smile as I look at the nerdy boy who is standing next to me giddily.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now