Felix Escellun x Male Reader

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Did I fall in love with the first character of the first story I read? Absolutely.

1. He's a nerd, even better he's into necromancy. 2. He's adorable sub energy. 3. He's into lusty novels.

I have never ever seen a character like this, and that interests me a lot.

A nerd who tries to be the quiet type and is secretly into lusty stuff?

Haha I love him, I mean just think about how much stuff he thinks he knows, but really he's just into particular fetishes.

I bet he's a virgin too. He's going to be so fun to write for.


Felix is the guy to see something only slightly romantic and internally be going "OH HO HO I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING IVE READ ENOUGH WATTPAD TO KNOW THIS PLOT POINT!" Hahahaha I love him too much.


Right so now my nerdery is done let me just say I've only read to chapter 6, just finished chapter five and are waiting for more hourglasses.

So this is low-key spoilery, not any late story spoilers. :)

Third Person Pov

It was a day like the ones that came before it, you and him were in his study/library.

If you were honest, you were feeling only slightly agitated, Felix was being a little teasey. Although you were quite sure he didn't mean to do it intentionally.

But the feeling was something you were able to easily stiffle into the pit of your stomach.

It didnt sit entirely well with you, it felt like a tingling annoyance at times that was just enough to make you shift your weight.

But for the most part you could ignore it.

You closed the book that had been in your hand for more than ten minutes, placing it back into its spot in the shelf.

You and him had been standing in front of the bookcases around his desk as to learn something.

Well, you had been, Felix was actually considering his energy and took his books to the couch to sit.

You might have been lingering in front of the shelves due to your slight annoyance but that was despite the point.

You made a very soft "hm" sound as you glanced up the colored book spines.

Knowing what book title meant what and what that actually entailed was a challenge, but reading about magic was a good start to understanding. Regardless of the books contents.

Well, Felix had a plethora of books at his disposal, you hoped that some of these weren't magical orientated.

You hoped that Felix wasn't all tea and magic, as cute as that was you had to admit that you wanted to see more of him.

Taking a sidestep or two you picked out a deep green book with a few stripes of gold running up its margin.

Opening the book to the first few pages you skimmed over it to try to see what it was about before fully indulging.

Then you heard a soft shuffle of fabric, turning your head you could see Felix stand up from the yellow couch.

He placed his book back on his desk a bit absently for a book hound. He must have taken interest in something else.

His eyes never even parting from the bookshelf across the room from the second he stood.

His body never even facing you.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now