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Fanfic direction announcement!

Alright first off this direction I'm taking won't be permanent, well, it won't be the only stuff I'm doing- I will also continue to make the usual stuff.

Lately my romantic feelings have longed for a sort of different thing when reading, instead of a equally expressed romantic attraction I want to write a one sided love sick thing.

(Disclaimer it will still be happy romantic ending stuff)

I guess its because I'm finally "facing the music" as I look at all my romantic interactions.

Ive been side stepped on every single one of my romantically attracted endeavors.

And yeah, I feel like its such a shitty experience. I guess I'm trying to write out that perfect scenario where at least in the end it ends good.

Idk I wanna write that angst with tears that ends the absolute best way it could have instead of the disastrous way it most likely would have.

Haha this is what happens when you get a hopeless romantic to finally realize they've had zero romance.

Uh I guess why I'm here saying that is because its such a unusual step out there for me that even I feel like I have to announce it.

Uh- also cus I have no clue what character to write for that-

Character suggestions for with love sick unrealized (top reader in mind Idk if there'll be smut) reader?

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