Sugawara Koushi x Male Reader

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Alright alright alright, so I got a fantastic idea admist a adrenaline rush/panic attack.

Its gonna be shorter than most of my other works and its gonna be adorable. I hope....

Now I dont speak japanese so sorry, and I read the mangas so I hope my spelling is correct.


Top Reader
Boxer-club Reader
Implied Smut (No actual smut scenes tho)

(AND NO, Suga is NOT a gold digger and reader is NOT his sugar daddy, at least I didnt intend him to be, but I mean... if you want him to...*insert lenny face*)

Also I have no idea if Karusano has a boxing club in advance, so anything about it, or anyone intrested in it in this story is untrue.

(Example: Hinata doesnt actually go to the boxing club to observe and doesnt actually run into fights behind the school in the actual anime or manga)


Suga walked into the Volleyball club a little bit late today, causing everyone in the club to turn their heads to look at him.

But what everyone saw made them gawk.

There was Suga, but with a faint red smudge across his lips.

Suga smiled as his fellow club members looked to him, he gently closed the door and aprouched his group of friends.

Thankfully coach and the manager of the club were probably going to be 30-40 more minutes until they actually arrived to the club.

They all quickly surrounded him, it was odd to see their mother with what appeared to be a kiss mark on his face.

"Suga.... what.. happened...?" Daichi asked faintly.

This caused Suga to pause.

"Huh?" Suga questioned.

Everyone heard Hinata give a soft gasp and then point to the lower right of Suga's jaw.

"Its here too!" Hinata mumbled.

Now Suga was very confused, so like anyone with something on their face, he wiped it off with the back of his wrist.

Taking a look at his wrist suddenly his composure totally changed.

"Ah!" Suga exclaimed with a worried eye closed smile.

Now wiping away at his face with his hands.

His team mates watched as the red stains flaked off of his skin.

Flaked? What the hell kind of lipstick flakes?

This small fact caused Daichi to gently grab Suga's wrist to stop him, Suga looked at Daichi confused.

"What happened Suga?" Daichi questions actually getting concerned.

"Mm... My boyfriend's lip got busted in a fist fight a-and he just got his blood all over me... thats all..." Suga said with a scratch of the back of his neck.

This caused the whole team to stop now, Daichi let go of Suga's wrist and everyone froze.

Suga continued wiping off the dried red liquid and as he did so a long unsettling silence raked silent havoc through the team.

"WHAT!" Everyone all yelled at once, y'know, except Tsukki.

This caused Suga to jump and look around at all the eyes staring at him.

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND????" Everyone yelled again, again, except Tsukki.

"SINCE WHEN??" Daichi yelled.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now