DreamWasTaken x Male Reader

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Hello everybody! Big news today! I have a laptop now!

Which means writing is much less cumbersome on me, so I shall be writing much more in my free time.

For now its just a chromebook that Im going to have to weave to make art on, but, that is my own problem for now. Now Im just waiting on a drawing tablet to open art commisions for money to upgrade, maybe Ill get a job this fall but Im not sure that its available during Corona.

Originally I was going to a Windows 10 laptop, but they have been out at every single store where I am. So when I saw a chromebook I kinda jumped the gun. My own fault I kinda regret.

And sadly I cannot order things online so Its most likely going to be another lengthy wait for a drawing tablet. But once my tablet is in and I set up a payment method I will open commisions for art here and on Insta! Dm me for my Insta account! Dont bring my writings up on Insta however!


Sub male reader. :)

Hope you enjoy!

Man Hunt~

Y/N Pov

I laugh as I chase after Dream, I hear furious clicking demolishing his mouse from next to me as he places blocks beneath himself as he jumps through the water.

I glance over to see his brows furrowed, onviously in concentration.

God my boyfriend is so cute when he's like this.

I smirk as I now pay more attention to my mindless playing, Now actually taking the more faster path after Dream.

He laughs.

"Got a little lost in a daydream Y/N?" He asks teasingly.

"Pfft. Just gave you a little head start, thats all." I say with a smirk.

I hear Dream chuckle.


I smirk deviously as I back Dream into a corner of the ravine. His pick broke digging into it and he had to jump, he's only on two hearts.

Vs me and my full heath bar and hunger bar, and a nice iron sword.

I chuckle.

"Oh Dreeeaaaaammm~." I say immitating George.

"Dont do that!" Dream says.

I smile.

"Why not Drreeeaamm?" I ask.

He growls silently. Im certain the mic didnt even catch it.

"Cus, cause your not George." He says with a small bit of snear.

"Well, your trapped now Dream." I say with the same bit of snear just to tease him.

He pauses, going completely silent.

I go to look over to him only to have my jaw grabbed in his hand and yanked over to look to left at him.

All I see is that one smirk, before he leans in and capture my lips in a passionate soft kiss while still being a bit rough. I close my eyes and melt into the sweet signature kiss instantly.

After a few seconds I feel him put his left knee up on my chair next to my lap, making the chair make a small creak and shift.

Finally he pulls away and I gasp for air, I wipe my lips free of his siliva quickly.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now