Percy Jackson x Male Reader

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Movie version. Cus I haven't read the books okay.

Edit: I understand that they messed the story and the characters up compaired to the books. I really do wish to read the books but I have never been able to get a copy of any of the books.

Enjoy. Its slightly rushed, sorry.


Third Person Pov

Percy glanced over to the nearby picnic table, the camp usually ate outside in the court like area. And there was one table no one day at.

Why? Well, Percy found out that the one male who does sit there is the son of Hermes.

Most people avoid him because they fear betrayal or that he may work for the enemy. The male usually does leave the camp for days at a time.

The male wears a off black grey hoodie that drapes over his face almost. It casts a large shadow over his face at least. He dresses very shady it seems.

He doesn't talk to many, just the teachers. And his gaurdian. But even his gaurdian is way more social and open. But if you ask about the male he protects he simply shuts up and changes the subject.

Percy heard a few rumors that the male is about one or two years older than himself and that he used to be a crazy good fighter. But he stopped dueling or training publicly about four years ago.

He became even more distant when his brother betrayed the camp and made him a bad reputation.

Percy's blue eyes once more darted over to the male and his eyes swept up and down the male.

Not much detail could be seen of the male since he wore such large and shady clothes.

A few say they recall a few details of the male but they say its all fuzzy really.

Suddenly a pair of striking (color) eyes catch his attention, Percy freezes and feels his body go cold at the almost glowing eyes locked on his.

This is the first time he ever saw anything of the male really, the eyes seemed sharp. And they looked as if the glew a bit.

Suddenly as if it was difficult the others eyes broke from Percy's and raked over the boy's body.

Percy sucked in a sharp breath quietly. He felt like shuddering. He did his best not to but he is certain he gave out a sudden quiver.

The male's eyes snapped up from observing the body of Percy and darted to look at his face. They held eye contact for a minute or so. Then the male quite literally snapped his head to look at the food on his plate.

Percy was confused, and very embaressed. He for some reason already felt captivated and in love with the male's eyes. There had to be a softer version of those eyes right?

He was unsure what to feel. Disturbed at how he was looked over and at. Feel like he was eye fucked. Or flattered.

Percy just now noticed he had been staring at his salad on his plate. He shifted on the picnic table bench.

Luckily no one had spoken to him while he was out of it. He quickly finished his meal. It was only lunch time so he had grabbed a quick salad.

He cleaned up and told his friends goodbye for now. He was going to sparr. He suited up in his armor and Grover stood by to watch.

A male approached Percy with a large smile and challenged him. So they began to sparr.

A few minutes into the fight Percy noticed a armored figure watching him. The male seemingly had a blackish grey hoodie underneath it, for he had the large shading hoodie up.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now