Peter Parker x Male Reader

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After Homecoming and Far From Home, is when this story took place.

Y/N Pov

I sigh lightly, I look forward to the right. One row in front of me sits Peter Parker. I'm in the very last row without a person to sit next to me, so I like to sit on the chair on the end of the two person table. The teacher doesn't care if I sit in the other seat if I want either. I bite my tongue as I feel my eyes soften and my stomach go cold. I look at the back of Peter Parker's slightly curly hair, I glare at him. Others would see it as a death stare, I have no problem with Peter. Its just my heart won't stop allowing itself to be let down, I love the.... constantly occupied, smart, cute, mysterious, nerd. I huff at the opportunities Liz had with that boy. I blush lightly and look away, I may sound slutty but if I got the chance I'd suck his dick for free. Damn it, Y/N stop talking to yourself.

"Mr L/N." I hear the teachers voice ring out to me.

I sweat suddenly and I stiffen up. I look to our teacher, everyone knows when a teacher calls out your last name your fucked.

"Come up here and solve this." They say sternly.

I gulp. I stand up and quickly shove my chair in, I make my way to the board quickly. I glance back at the class very quickly, Peter's eyes are on me. I heat up slightly, I pick up the chalk and glance at the scribbled question. I gulp, I could never tell our teachers 1's and 7's apart. I clear my throat quickly.

"Uhm.... I-I uh...." I stutter.

They look to me, I glance at Peter. His eyes seem wide in curiosity.

I look back at the board and point at the confusing number.

"I-Is this a 1 or a 7?." I ask.

They give me stare, then they sigh.

"Its a 1. Mr L/N." They say annoyed.

Jeeze calm down bitch. I can't solve it if I can't read it.

I give a small smile, the past few years I have studied every subject I have with Peter. So I can show I'm smart too. I quickly scribble down the work and then write the answer proudly. The last number being a seven I draw the crooked line and cap of it. Then I find the middle of the crooked line and make a smaller line across. Almost as if to mock my teacher, anyone can tell thats a 7 now.

I place the chalk down and turn to the teacher and then the class, Peter's eyes are clearly focused on the problem. Not me. I give a mental sigh. I walk back to my seat and sit down, I growl lowly at myself.

How come when I'm around him I feel invisible, but yet so vulnerable. I feel like the whole world doesn't matter and he is the only thing in the universe. But yet I feel like we are the only things in the universe. I feel so far away from him. But all I want to do is hold him close to me so we are not so far. I feel like he notices everything but me.

I'm alone but in love.


School just ended. I pull my phone out and put my headphones on. I quickly put on the song "Words", By Scotty Sire. I sigh as I walk through the crowded hallways, soon I push the heavy doors open. I look back expecting to see a douche walking to the doors. But instead my eyes get met with a beautiful Peter. I go numb and cold, I hold the door open. He is looking to Ned who is to his left and smiling widely, his hair bounces lightly. I just want to run my hands through his hair, on his way past me he stops and looks at me. Since I'm on his left too, he pauses briefly and smiles.

"Thanks Y/N!" He says happily.

I turn red and smile back widely, I rush to open the next door for him. I look down on the slightly shorter Peter, we smile at eachother. Ned forgets the doors only really support two and tries to go through at the same time. Peter's shoulder gets squished against my chest, I blush at the brief contact. We quickly go our seperate ways, they start walking home. I do the same, I literally live on the same block Peter does. But to not seem weird I walk a new route. On my way I notice a help wanted sign on a small samwich/gas-station store. I do need a job. I step inside, its really nice. So I quickly get a job there and go home happily. The man was very nice and even offered me a free samwich every day I work. Which would be Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. He understood I'm young and gave me a day a week for studying or hanging with friends.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now