Ian Lightfoot x Male Reader

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So I just watched Onward. I absolutely fucking loved it. And I wanted to see how much meh Baby boi got some love.

From what I have been able to dig up there aren't many stories anywhere.

He does get plenty of stories, just, all straight.

So, I wanted to give my boy some love.

⚠Heads up there will be some spoilers.⚠

Reader is a elf. Reader and Ian have been dating for two and a half years now. This is a year and a half after the movie.

Y/N Pov

I sigh softly, happily. This whole quest thing practically gave me a heart attack.

But now I simply rest my head against his chest, my ear constantly againgst his chest where his heart is. His steady heart beat making me calm.

Me and Ian laid down to sleep but neither of us have gotten a wink.

His mother was nice enough to allow me to stay over. I'm unsure what she would say if she knew of us.

As always I didn't bring sleepwear so Ian would have to give me a shirt and some sweatpants.

Which he stole from me before, I came over with sleepwear once and my shirt and sweatpants haven't ever returned to me. He wears them every single night he can.

Its very cute because my shirt is too big for him and my sweatpants are very baggy anyways.

My ear twitches softly as Ian shifts softly, I smile again.

I move my head so I'm facing him and my chin is on his chest.

He has his arms under his head as he leans back on his few pillows. He looks down at me and smiles.

"What?" He asks with a soft laugh.

"....You smell good...." I mumble.

Ian's face floods with a soft blush as he laughs softly.

"So do you." He says softly.

"You look pretty." I say back.

His blush grows a bit more as he looks away now. I slowly scoot up so my head is level with his. Ian is a bit shorter than me by a 4-5 inches.

I smile at him goofily.

"Your cute Ian." I whisper into his ear.

His ear twitches and he looks away more, his brows furrow and his blush grows more.

I chuckle softly.

"C'mon. You know you love it. Give me a kiss Ian Lightfoot." I say.

He turns back to me and he pulls me in for a kiss with both hands. The kiss lasts for a while and then he pulls away.

"I love you so much Y/N." He mumbles as he stares into my eyes.

His hands both still cupping either side of my face. I smile wildly. His blush now deep, I love when he blushes.

"Your so cute when you blush Ian." I say.

His blush deepens lightly and he begins to smile, his smile strained obviously because he is trying to prevent it from showing.

I kiss his nose, I move over to his ears and begin to kiss the tips. He giggles softly. I continue to kiss all over his ears.

Suddenly he reaches his hands out and cups my ears.

"Stop stop! Okay I get it!" He says with a large smile.

I smile, I wrap my arms around him quickly and cuddle him close.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now