Dog Character x Male Reader

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I was watching Jacksepticeye play Journey to the Savage Planet and I fell in love with the idea of a dog headed character. So boom here it is. Its kinda a shit post so it might be trash. Also I'm calling the dog character Rover.

Y/N Pov

I sigh as I sit up and stretch. I just woke up and I'm happy, cause it appears Rover is still asleep. Which means I can go out and try to repair the spaceship. I go to the teleporter thing but suddenly get tackled to the ground, I groan and look to see it's Rover. He carries me back to his bed and lays me down. A big happy goofy smile on his face, he gives a whine. I ruffle his ears, suddenly he pins me and begins to lick my hair clean. Rover is a new species on earth, but I'm a human and he's a dog hybrid. I can't be love with him, I bite my lip as he sits me up and places me in his lap facing away from him. He continues to groom my skin and hair. It's always been grooming, but I wanna get freaky. I haven't told him of my feelings, he is smart enough to express and comprehend emotions. He is mute though, well, he just can't speak like a human. Suddenly he licks that one spot on my neck.

"Ahh." I softly moan.

He cocks his head and I stand up quickly.

"I-I thinks thats enough Rover." I say.

"But Y/N." His robot translator says.

"There are many places I haven't cleaned. Take off your clothes. If I'm correct it has been months since you have had a shower." He explains.

"So I'll get the showers working." I say.

"I want to clean you now." He demands.

Suddenly a feirce growl and bark cuts the air. I shiver, I sit back down. He begins to clean me again.

"Rover?" I ask.

He hums.

"I....I love you." I mumble.

"I love you too!" He exclaims.

Then we cuddled for 3 hours. The end.

See. Its a shit post so have fun. Sorry I just had to reveal this characters potential.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now