Peter Parker x Stark Male Reader

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Once again, your Tony's son. This is my favorite plot device for Peter story's okay.

Peter is 18 and is still in school. Cause his last school year hasn't ended yet. Peter and May have their house now.

Some things have been put in because they would match the situation or I felt like it, so if you guys don't like to wear a flanel jacket then change it to something else okay.


Very vanilla slow passionate sex.

Y/N Pov

I sigh, I close the door behind me. Despite being Tony Stark's son and being 19, it isn't easy street.

I have to work on the suits, make my superhero gear. Respond to the public in my dad's absense. And etc.

I place my hand on the small table that is in the short hallway to my bed room. Suddenly I feel a metal like device crawl up onto my hand. I flinch and look at it.

It crawls up a bit past my wrist. It's a small robot, a bit bigger than my palm. Its a sleek black metal, the robot is shaped like a spider. I smile at it and pick it up.

I look onto the robot's underside, in clear view is Peter's initials engraved within it. I chuckle softly and place the robot back.

A instant reminder of my boyfriend making me much happier. Most stress and exhaustion gone. I'm sure he didn't have this in my room long. He was working on a small bot just a few days ago.

He told me he finished it yesterday. But he didn't tell me what it was for. So he must of put it here today.

I notice a small camera lens on the face like spot of the bot. I rub the lens softly, I'm sure its smudge proof. Cause I got him some of the materials for the bot, he came to me for materials one day. With no explanation.

The bot climbs up my arm and stops next to my neck. To make the bot less creepy it seems he didn't add the small teeth like things that are in front of a spider's mouth. There's no hair on the bot.

I rub the back of the bot. It seems either Peter or the bot noticed my earlier stress, it rubs its body up against my neck cutely.

I smile widely. I pull out my phone and take a picture of it on my shoulder.

"This your's Peter? Its really cute." I text him along with the picture.

Suddenly I get really shocked when the bot beings to climb down my shirt. Unlike most days I'm not wearing a suit.

I'm wearing a sweater like shirt, and some jeans.

Suddenly it stops at my pants. I gasp and back up into the wall behind me. I cover my mouth, I being to blush madly. I pull my phone out again and take a picture down near the bot. My face still in view in the picture.

"Peter? What is it doing?" I text him with the photo.

Suddenly I blush deeper as I notice my sudden boner was in clear view. God damn it, I probably just freaked Peter out. It says he's reading it but he isn't responding.

Me and Peter haven't even had a make out session, fuck I probably just screwed up really bad. We've been dating for almost a year now, what if I just ruined everything.

I gasp loudly as the bot makes it's intentions known by crawling into my pants. I go and sit down on the edge of my bed.

I unbuckle my belt then unbutton and unzip my pants. I pull my pants down ever so slightly.

The bot seemingly observes my bulge. I bite my lip tightly. I have no way to know if the camera is for the bot or Peter.

Suddenly it softly wraps its many limbs around my bulge the best it can. I flinch. It progressively increases it's tightness.

Male X Male Reader Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now