That Phone

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[Kyungsoo's POV]

Weird. This number wasn't Soojin's anymore. It belongs to someone else. Then what's with the girl appearance I saw in the morning in front of a house? She looks like Soojin so much. But why is the reason she is wearing black clothes? Perhaps she isn't Soojin, I just got some feeling she is..

-End of Kyungsoo's POV-




Me : Why did you...

Hyunsoo : Like this he won't be disturbing you again.

Me : Thanks for everything, Hyunsoo.

Hyunsoo : This is what I should do. I won't let you lonely anymore.



Day by day past, I begin to regain my mood and go to school. And what a chaos news that I heard from Seunghee. The new transfer boy become extremely popular among school. As I reach the school gate, many girls run in, making me fell on the ground. Omg this is so embarrasing. Then, someone's hand reaches me. I tilt up my head and see it was Hyunsoo. I grab his hand and stand up. It seems like we are getting more closer after the funeral.


Both of us go to the rooftop to spend sometime before the class starts. We talk and laugh like a couple. But in reality we are not. I take him as my bestfriend always. But then time slowly ticks and we didin't realize. Until when I look I my watch, I jump up and both of us quickly run to class. And in the end, both of us got punished. After the school end, we go to the sport court, yes the punishment. We played all along the punishment. I guess did mom sent me an angel? An angel who is always by my side, helps me in everything. And importantly, we always happy together. I reach my bag to take my oldphone, in case Hyunsoo told me to sell it yesterday. I search all the way in my bag, but the phone isn't there.



[Kyungsoo's POV]

I go to my locker to take some books. Just then, a boy and a girl run fastly to somewhere, then I notice the girl's phone dropped. When I'm gonna call her, they are gone already. So I take the phone and was going to the announcement room, but then I see something familiar. With my curiosity, I unlock her phone. I was all shock. This couldn't be.... What I saw is the selca that I saved in Soojin's phone one year ago.

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