Last Date #2

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As I reach my bedroom, my leg weakens. "This can't be our last." I cried to myself, both hands wrapping my legs. It feels like, my heart has been torn into hundred, and thousand pieces. That hurt that anyone didin't know. That feeling where I can only keep it myself.



Miss Park : Are you sure you want to transfer to Gyeonggi high school?

Me : Umm.. Yeah. I'm sorry for this..

Miss Park : But, can you tell me the reason? Gyeonggi is so far from your house.

Me : I.. Can't.. But, promise me one thing, Miss. Don't tell.. Kyungsoo about this.

Miss Park : Did something happened?

Me : I just don't want him to know this. Can you help me?

Miss Park : Well, okay.

Me : (Hug her) Thanks, teacher. I'll miss you. (Began to tears)

Miss Park : Silly girl, don't cry....



I keep rewinding that in my mind. That time, it just like I'm sending myself to hell. And right now, me, who is full of tears. Then my phone vibrates. "I can't wait for later" Kyungsoo yah, is this our fate? Do we have to seperate like this? I look at my wallpaper, our selca that I treasured the most, the last thing I can keep with him without anyone knows.



I arrive at park the park, where I saw many couples at there as usual. Just then a pair of warm arms wrap around me.

D.O : I miss you.

Me : It was just one hour not seeing me!

D.O : I told you, It just like one year for me.

Me : Me too.

D.O : Follow me.




And then, I just follow him. I have no idea where he is going to. We walk & walk until the side of a river near the park, where moonlight shines brightly above us. Then he leads me to sit down. I relaxed my head on his shoulder, throwing away my thoughts.

D.O : I wish we could be like this forever.

Me : I wish we could too.

D.O : We can of course. I'll not let go my Soojinnie.

Me : You can't let me go of course.



And like that, we both spend the "last date", without his knowing. I was back to sense when I feel his lips locked on mine. He broke the kiss after a while. We link our hands together and sit under the starry night.


[Seulrin's POV]



"Even kissed right now? How dare you do that. I gave you chance but hence you did that to me. I didin't expect you would do that to me. Fine then. Now, what should I do to you..... *Smirk*"

-End of Seulrin's POV-



D.O : I don't want to go!

Me : You can't! Our Kyungsoo must perform handsomely in front of me.

D.O : But....

Me : No buts. (Kiss his forehead) Now go. Your hyungs are waiting for you. I'll call you when I got home.

D.O : Okay then. Be careful, make sure to call me! (Waves at me)



And I, watching him slowly disappear from my sight. I couldn't stop thinking our happy moments on my way home. I was going to pass the road when suddenly a bright light comes fastly towards me. I feel my whole body weakens. It couldn't move anymore. All I could see is many eyes on me.....

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