I Remember

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[I was opening my locker, when I saw a small paper, with words written on it with red pen. "TWO DAYS LEFT." I drop all the books I was holding. My mind went blank. Did.. She write this?! Thankfully, no one notice me. I quickly pick up all the books and and went back to class.
Mom : You have a letter today. I went to collect just now.
You : Really?
Mom : Rest first. I'll call you when dinner is ready.
As soon as my mom closes the door, I quickly open the letter. My eyes widened with those words. "I WILL K-I-L-L YOU 'IN FRONT OF HIM' IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME"
Miss Park : Are you sure you want to transfer to Gyeonggi high school?
You : Umm.. Yeah. I'm sorry for this..
Miss Park : But, can you tell me the reason? Gyeonggi is so far from your house.
You : I.. Can't.. But, promise me one thing, Miss. Don't tell.. Kyungsoo about this.
Miss Park : Did something happened?
You : I just don't want him to know this. Can you help me?
Miss Park : Well, okay.
You : (Hug her) Thanks, teacher. I'll miss you. (Began to tears)
Miss Park : Silly girl, don't cry....
You : Just go.
D.O : Yah, I'll miss you!
You : (Hug him) I'll miss you too!
D.O : (Sighs) Really it's our fate. We need to seperate again.
You : (Kiss his forhead) Feel better? (Blush)
D.O : You are blushing again!
You : I'm not!
D.O : Yes, you are!
You : I'm not!! (Pouts)
D.O : You are still cute as ever. I really have to go now, bye. (Looks at me with puppy face)
You : Don't aegyo. (Hits him)
I hurrily pass the road as I realize the traffic light is yellow already. But then, I saw a bright light coming towards me. And the last thing I know, I was lying on the road, with worried faces looking at me."
Teardrops slowly dripping to the floor. Yes, I remember everything. I finally remember the accident one year ago, which leads me to forget some of my memory. That black box isn't something that I don't know. Is something that has many memories of us. That lock on Namsan, really did exist before. But now, I don't think It will be exist anymore. That lock belongs to me and him. Yes, DoKyungsoo.
-To be Continued-

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