First Date

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As soon as the school bell rang, I immediately jump into excitement. He ask me to have our first date today! We both cycle to the amusement park. Not even wanting wait for a second, he already wraps his arm on mine.

D.O : Let's ride that! (Points at the roller coaster)

Me : T.... That? (Asking with afraid sound)

D.O : This is the thing we can't miss of course. Let's go!



Me : Kyungsoo yah... Is... Too... High.

D.O : Afraid?

Me : Umm....

D.O : Then I will make your afraidness disappear.



All of sudden, his hands wrap around me, making me blushing madly. My heart is beating twice faster even though we are couple. He hugs me until the ride finished. After that, he runs to a stall and comes back with two pink cotton candy on his hands.

D.O : Your cheeks is as pink as this cotton candy.

Me : What??

D.O : Are you blushing because of just now?? Hahaha...

Me : Yah, I'm not blushing!!! (Blush even more)

D.O : (Pokes my cheeks & runs) Someone is blushing now, hahahaha.....

Me : I'm not! Yah, come back you!! (Chases him)

D.O : (Stops running & Grabs my arm) I'm back Soojinnie!


Because I was a bit shocked of the roller coaster ride, we decide to walk around the stalls at the amusement park. Then, I stops at a couple accessories stall. All the things in there are amazing.

D.O : Wait at here for a moment.


He runs to the accessories stall, not taking me with him. After a while, he comes out with some cute and beautiful accesories.

D.O : (Puts on a snapback on my head) Just as I thought. You look great on this.

Me : Gomawo.

D.O : Give me your phone.

Me : (Give it to him) For what?

D.O : And this. Make sure you don't lost our first couple items. (Puts on a cute case on my phone)

Me : I won't!


As the last ride, we both decide to ride the ferris wheel. As it slowly goes up, the beautiful sunset amazed me.

Me : Woah, is so beautiful.

D.O : You are prettier than that.

Me : Aish, seriously.. By the way, thanks for today.

D.O : I'm your boyfriend. This is what I should do, no need to thanks.

Me : Since is our first dating, anything that I should do?



Without answering me, he smiles. His face comes closer to mine. My heart starting to beats faster again. But after a while, he moves further away and start to talk.

D.O : I'll not do that. I'll not do anything without your permission again. Nah, the ferris wheel has ended. We should go home now.



As how he acted like that, I feel he has changed. Changed to be more caring than usual. As we walk until putside of thr park, it is our parting time again.

D.O : I'll miss you very much.

Me : I know..

D.O : (Kisses my forehead) Be sure to call me when you got home.

Me : Okay.



Today, It was our first date. The day I'll not forget forever. Thinking of today makes me happy. I was thinking about that on the way home, when suddenly a black car stops beside me. As I turn around, I was shocked and feeling uneasy. It was Seulrin.




About this part we're very sorry. We changed some of the content which is not same as what we post on instagram. Just take it as there are two versions of this part. We'll do the same on chapter 21 too

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