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I walk closer and closer towards that room. I push the door and walk in slowly. But, it was dark and I can't see anything clearly. I walk in more and more, seems like there is nobody in here. I walk out and sigh. I'm really missing her, that's why I keep looking other people as Soojin. I really wish I could find her soon....

-End of Kyungsoo's POV-



He trapped me with both of his hands. I couldn't even move at all. It is dark in here. Just then, we notice someone walks in. He was looking at here and there, as what I could saw because the door is opened so there is some lighting from outside. Maybe because he doesn't saw us, he walks out. And now, only ourselves, in this dark room. He slowly moves his hands away.

Hyunsoo : Actually, I.....

Me : Um...?

Hyunsoo : I know this will be a bit sudden, but.... It seems like.... I've been liking you, Soojin.

Me : I.... I'm sorry...!


I quickly walk out as fast as I can. Yes, I admit that I have feelings for him, and unavoidable, but for a reason I'm confused about my feelings for Hyunsoo. That boy named Kyungsoo keeps rewinding on my mind. I try to forget about this, but I can't. I feel like something is wrong. Either is real or not, I want to find out who is him..



Hyunsoo : Sorry about yesterday.

Me : lt's okay.... And actually.... I have a bit feelings for you. But I think... I need more time about this.

Hyunsoo : If you can't, let's stay as bestfriends! (Smiles)


We do not talk too much today. I think he is shy, well same as me. Not just at school, even at cafe he is quiet not as usually. And what's worst, the cafe is specially 'Lonely' today, making the atmosphere more akward. As the cafe's phone rang, both of us rush to reach the phone. He laughs at me and walks away while whispering something. I pick up the phone. Finally, I receive an order! This is my chance! I can finally cut this akward moment! I hurrily pack up everything, and cycle to the customer's house.



[Kyungsoo's POV]


Not again, why calling me out at such time. I'm slowy getting annoyed by her. There's none of other, Seulrin. She just like to call me out for nothing. She always act as I'm his boyfriend, in fact, we are not couple at all. I saw her sitting at the bench.

Seulrin : I thought you wouldn't come!

Me : What's the reason for calling me out?

Seulrin : I was too bored at home. Wait a minute, I just order your favorite coffee, it will come in a while, they are fast. Can you buy some breads too? (Pointing at the shop behind us)

Me : Yeah....

-End of Kyungsoo's POV-



I cycle happily down the road. Akwardness seems to be our big problem. Maybe we haven't know each other so much. As I almost arrive at there, I saw a familiar back. I slowly cycle closer, my heart is almost dropped. It is Seulrin. Somehow, I will never forget this girl. She smirks at me. I quickly pretend as we are stranger quickly finish my work and cycle back to cafe.


[Kyungsoo's POV]



I know she must be calling me out for no reason. I walk in the pastry shop and pick some breads, some are her favorite. Not that I know her well, but she just sticking on me everyday, that's why I knew everything about her. From outside, I could see there's someone in front of her. Maybe is the coffee delivery. As I see clearly again, it just like something has stormed me. That outfit.... Is cafe'ra's employees'. Without thinking anything, I paid everything and run out, but I was a bit late again. She has cycle away. I even haven't start to ask, Seulrin already rushing me to hurry all of sudden. I feel everything is weird. It feels like she is hiding me something. Something very important that I didin't know.....

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