That Lock?

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Both of us gasping hardly. Thankfully, that person didin't saw us. As I suddenly notice, Hyunsoo's hand is still grabbing mine, from just now.

Hyunsoo : Don't ask. I won't let it go.

Me : But.....

Hyunsoo : I wish we could stay like this longer.

Me : We have to go now. We are already late for class.



Teacher : Where have the two of you gone to? I said already I don't like people late for my class.

Student : They went to dating, Miss.

Hyunsoo : Sorry, Miss. I won't repeat again.

Teacher : Please make sure to be accurate next time.


My heart is thumping at the whole lesson. "Why this feeling is so weird?!" I talk to myself. And that's when Hyunsoo slides a paper to my side. "Have time tonight?" I thought for a while, and so I write down "Yeah" for the reply. In a seconds, he slides the paper again. "Let's go to namsan tower tonight." My heart is thumping again. "No way.... This is not love or what, isn't it!!??" I whisper to my mind. I quickly reply "Okay" to him. He smiles after saw my reply. Somehow, I feel he is cute. "Ahh, what are you thinking, focus to the lesson Soojin!!"



Seunghee : Yah, come here.

Soojin : What happened?

Seunghee : The one I should ask this is me. Where have you two been?

Soojin : Just... Rooftop.

Seunghee : So you two.....

Soojin : Don't think anything else! We are only friends.

Seunghee : I thought you two can be together....

Soojin : We are just friends.

Seunghee : Such a pity you didin't with me. He is so handsomee!!

Soojin : Who?

Seunghee : The one I told you, new transfer student, Do Kyungsoo.

Soojin : I'm not into it. Let's grab the food first, Jaehyun and Hyunsoo are waiting.


Too akward to side in front of a couple. Both of us, Me and Hyunsoo doesn't know what to do, he grabs my hand and find another place to sit. And now, I'm more akward. I just focus to the food.

Hyunsoo : You will come right?

Me : Oh? Ah, yes.

Hyunsoo : You look cute when you are shocked. Open your mouth. (Giving me a spoon of rice)

Me : I can eat it by myself.

Hyunsoo : Because you are my girlfriend.

Me : I'm not! (Blush)

Hyunsoo : I hope it is real. My hand is hurt waiting like this..

Me : Fine, I'll eat, I'll eat!


We are walking towards the classroom, when we walk pass a boy. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I think he is new boy?

Seunghee : Yah, did you see him?

Me : Who?

Seunghee : Ah, how could you miss it, he is the new transfer student!

Me : Ahh.... Nevermind.

Seunghee : By the way, we are having halloween party at Jaehyun's house later!

Me : You know I don't like party thingy....

Seunghee : I knew that... How about you Hyunsoo?

Me : Sorry, I have appointment with someone important tonight.



Someone important? Does he have another appointment with anyone else? Along the last lesson, he keeps reminding me to not forget to come tonight. So as I reach home, I wuickly prepare myself, in order to help my mom too. As I was going to bus stop, a car stops in front of me. As I could saw, Hyunsoo is walking towards me. He drives me to there. And like that, we arrive at Namsan tower.

Hyunsoo : When you come to here what should you do....

Me : Perhaps are you talking about the locks? I heard that everywhere...

Hyunsoo : So you know. Pick one.

Me : I'm bad at picking.


With five minutes of picking, both of us write down the word on the lock. My eyes widen as I saw his, writing my name on it. For me, I just simply wrote "I wish miracles could happen", the wish for my life. Both of us run to the bridge, where we put the lock. Our locks are link to each other's, I couldn't stop smiling at his actions tho. He look into my eyes deeply, then he smiles. We took a selca in front of our locks, as he keep told me too. He is a kind of romantic sometimes, but playful too. We were playfully looking people's locks, when I stop at one blue lock. My eyes widen as I saw the words on it.



Hyunsoo or Kyungsoo?

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