Our Last Moment

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I follow what he said. What should I write? I think for a long time and start to write. Then, I notice Kyungsoo is peeking from behind.

Me : Yah, don't peek, oppa! (pinch him)

D.O : Hahaha.... Okay, okay. I won't peek anymore. Go, write your wish now.


Secretly, I write down my wishes, "I wish miracles will happen to me. I really wish time could stop now." I wrote it down sadly and let a big sigh. Kyungsoo finishes writing his wish too. Then we hang it together on a beautiful decorated tree. Then, a shooting star pass by.

Me : Wahhh, it's a shooting star!

D.O : Hurry, make a wish now.

Me : You too!


We quickly make our wish on that shooting star. "I hope everything I wrote just now can be come true. Please"

Me : So, what did you wish just now?

D.O : You really want to hear that? I'm afraid you will not believe.

Me : Aishhh, I'm getting curious now. Tell me.

D.O : I wish..... Can you be my... girlfriend? (blush)

Me : What are you talking about? You have Seulrin already! Stop talking nonsense. (pinch him again)

D.O : Yah, yah, it's hurt. Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Is still early, let's go cycling.

Me : Huh?

D.O : Let's go! (grabs my hand)


We go to rent the bicycle together. The weird is, he only picks one bicycle. I get confused.

Me : Why you only rent one bicycle?

D.O : Don't talk. Now, get on.

Me : Yah, yah, yah, It's so scary!!

D.O : Don't worry. Hold tight!


I rejected at first, but he insist, so I've no choice. He just like have spoiled by me. I sit at his back, holding him tightly. I could feel his heartbeat from here. I could feel the warmth of his body.  It's 11:57 now. Just three more minutes is my birthday. I let out a big sigh. We went back to the renting place. Then, Kyungsoo stops in front of a clock tower which shines beautifully.

D.O : To be honest, why are you keep avoiding me at school?

Me : You really want to know?

D.O : Yes.

Me : It hurts me alot when I saw you two together. I realize I'm falling in love with you since I meet you. But I can't ruin your relationship. I think.... We shouldn't see each other from some time. Tonight is the last. Maybe this is the best way.

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