Who is 'him'?

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"She is out of danger, maybe she'll wake up soon. One thing bad is, she will lose some memories for sure. But if her kind is peace, she'll keep thinking that thing, and will regain her memories. So auntie should help her too." Who.. Is at there? Why is it so dark?.... I try hardly and slowly I open my eyes. Did I just have sleep for one year? Where am I? Why I have bandage around my head. Then I got startled seeing my Mom crying.

Mom : You're finally wake up, Soojin ah!! I though you will really die, my precious!! (Hugs me)

Me : Who said I'll die? I'm your strong daughter remember!

Mom : But look at you now! I'll sue that driver for sure!

Me : It's okay Mom... I was too careless..

Mom : Wait, you just call me Mom? You still remember me! Oh Thanks God!! (Hugs me again)

Me : Of course I remember you, how can I forget you??

Mom : My precious daughter indeed. I heard from Miss Park you've transfer to Gyeonggi?

Me : Yeah... I want a new enviroment.

Mom : Whatever then. As long as you're happy. Your penpal send a letter again. (Handing a envelope to me) You should rest first, Mom bring porridge for you.

Me : Okay. (Kisses her cheek)


I quickly open up the envelope. "I hope you won't meet him again. I'll not break my promise, so just happily study happily at your new school!" Why did Seulrin send this? And who is that 'him'? I shook my head and put the letter aside. I reach my phone and saw many missed call and messages. "Have you slept, Soojinnie??" "Soojin, who you don't reply my message? I feel lonely..." Who is Kyungsoo? Why he sends message to me like I'm his girlfriend? I startled when I saw my wallpaper, with a boy. Yah who is he?? Why did I even put this as wallpaper? Did I know this boy? My mind was totally blank. I keep thinking, but no matter how hard I think, I still don't know this boy. Or is it I really didin't meet him before? This makes me sick. Aish, I don't want to think anymore!! Maybe I've never met this boy, I'm just thinking too much...

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