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Suddenly, a basketball hits one of the boy's head. Kyungsoo is the one who throws the ball. Then, he come towards me with other members following at the back.

Jungji : Nice to meet you guys!

D.O : What are you trying to do? Let her go.

Soongyu : Why must we let her go? She isn't your anything. Thus, she is our new friend!

D.O : I'm her boyfriend.

Doongyo : Boyfriend, huh?


Then, one of the boy punches Kyungsoo. They start to fighting. I could bear anymore to see this situation. I try to stop them, but I couldn't. Then, a black car stops in front of us.

Kris : Hurry! Hop in guys!


We enter the car quickly, not letting those boys to chase us. And we drive fastly away fron there.

Me : You guys have injured because of me. I'm really sorry for my careless. Mianhae..

Tao : It's okay. It's bot your fault either, they must be forced you just now.

Baekhyun : I think from now on, make sure you always stay with us, okay? (ruffles your hair)

Me : Okay, I will. And thanks for helping me just now. But, where are we going now?

Kai : On the way to our dorm.

Me : What? Wasn't it going to my dorm?

Kris : It's to dangerous for a girl to live by herself. Those boys will still comeback.

Me : But I'm only a fangirl to you all, I shouldn't stay in your dorm, oppas.

D.O : How about staying on a dorm near our dorm? It's empty tho.

Me : If like that, I won't stand ceremony then. I'll move there today, since I don't want you all worry about me too.

Sehun : Yehet, from now on, Soojin will stay with us!

Chen : Hahahaha......


The journey to their dorm is quite long. All members have sleep soundly. I stare at Kyungsoo's cute face, for some reason I smile slightly. "I'm her boyfriend". That word just moved my heart just now. My heart begin to beats faster as I think those words. I think maybe he doesn't mean anything, just in order to help me.

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