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In Biology class, professor tell us to do an observation of animals' body parts. I just don't know what to do, I'm too afraid of these kinds of things. I found Kyungsoo standing by himself in the corner.

Me : Are you okay, Kyungsoo? Why you didin't join them to do the observation?

D.O : I...... I....... It was nothing serious. Just feel wanna go back to class quickly (walks away shyly)

Me : (Went to find other members) What's wrong with Kyungsoo? He seemed uneasy.

Suho : Ah, didin't he tell you? He doesn't like to observe these kinds of things. Thus, he is afraid of these things too.

Me : Oh, I get it. Kamsahamnida.


I quickly ran back to class. He iss sitting alone. I try not to let him know that I was in class already. So I seat at my own seat. He suddenly sits in front of my, with a look like angry face.

Me : Umm.... Sorry for just now. I didin't know about.......

D.O : (Cuts my word) It's okay. Just forget it, and don't tell anyone else about it.

Me : O.. Okay.


I never know he would be shy by just telling me these things. The rest of the students have already come back, so we continue our class again.

As usually, EXO members will send me home together, except if they have schedule. But today, I want to watch them play basketball after school. Suddenly, someone pats my shoulder.

Soongyu : Hello, pretty girl. Mind if we send tou home?

Dongyoo : Yeah, don't worry. We aren't bad guys tho. (drags ne to the middle)

Jaypark : Let's go, hurry hurry!

Me : No, I don't want to. I can go home by myself. (tries to run away)

Hongchul : No, you can't!


I tried to run away, but they just keep pestering me. Indeed, they aren't good boys after all. They keep drags me to go to their house instead of my house. I try to shout Kyungsoo, but I can't, they've been covering my mouth. I was afraid, feeling hopeless, and just keep dragging by them.




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