That message

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"Let's meet at Cheonhodong Park, at 10:00 tonight." My eyes widened. My heart beats faster suddenly as I read the message. "He already have girlfriend. Plus, he is having fever too. I think it will be snowing tonight. What is he doing exactly?" I couldn't understand what is Kyungsoo doing. Or he even didin't  realize what he is doing? I was going to reply hid message, but he messages me again. "Don't reply me. Don't ask me why. If you really care me, I'm sure you will show up. You just need to do what I've said just now."



I freeze. The message content keep stick on my mind all the day at school.

Chanyeol : Are you okay, jagiya? You look weird today.

Suho : Tell us what's wrong, Soojin. We will help you. (pats my shoulder)

Me : It's nothing serious. I have something to ask you all.

Chen : What is it? Tell us freely.

Me : Ummm..... How was Kyungsoo condition?

Suho : About that..... He still refuse to eat. He almost faint yesterday. Luckily, we notice it.

Me : W-what??? (eyes widened)

Suho : But I think he'll be okay soon. Kyungsoo doesn't like people worry about him. So, don't worry, Soojin.

Me : O.. Okay.




Although I've know Kyungsoo's condition, but I still feel uneasy. After thinking for a long time, I decide to go and meet him, confirming his condition. So when I got home, I quickly prepare everything. I was excited, yet I was confused and worry too. But since he really wanted me to meet upwith him, it must be something really important. Finally, I'm done with preparing. I take a taxi to the place where Kyungsoo said.



[Kyungsoo POV-]



I was being stopped by Suho for going out from just now. I keep persuade him. After a long talk, he finally let me out. I quickly drive to meet Soojin. Unfortunate, it's having a traffic jam. I was worry about her.

-End Of POV-



When I got there, I do not see his appearance. So I decide to wait him. I wait and wait,  but after one hour, he still didin't turn up. Maybe I was too naive. Of course he can't be out in this cold weather. I sigh and decide to go home.

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