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D.O : Don't chase her anymore. (stands up and still holding my hand)

Me : Why? She will be upset. (still trying to chase her)

D.O : (pulls me) I told you don't chase her anymore. Is useless now.

Me : I can't ruin your relationship wih her!

D.O : Let her be. I'll explain everything later. Don't you have promised me you will not cry anymore?

Me : Okay. I won't cry anymore, from this moment, I promise.


After calm down myself, we sit on a bench. We stay silent from that moment. I don't have courage to talk with him. I feel guilty, I'm afraid I will ruin their relationship. After a while, Kyungsoo broke the silent.

D.O : We can't just stay silent. Shall we go to that clothes shop to take a look?

Me : Okay.


We go in to the srore that Kyungsoo said. Inside have many kinds of clothes. I buy a few clothes for my mom. I also bought a scarf for Kyungsoo. Then I realize I've strolling with myself. I don't know where Kyungsoo is. I started to panic. I run out from the shop, but I couldn't find him. Why I'm always so careless? I started to cry again, forgetting our promise. Then someone pats my shoulder. I turn back and see Kyungsoo.

Me : Where have you been?

D.O : I purposely let you be alone just now. I want to know if you realize or not. Who knows you really forget about me, hahaha....

Me : Aishh, this boy... Sorry for just now. I really too obsessed with shopping.

D.O : It's okay. I've bought something for you.

Me : Jinjja?

D.O : This scarf, I chose it for a bit long time. Hope you will like it. (puts it on for me)

Me : Thanks! It suits me well, hihi. I've got one for you too I bought it because you are sick.

D.O : Aniya, I'm healthy now. (runs away)

Me : You lied me!? Hey, come back. (chase him)


He runs to the end of the park, I was chasing him on the back. We stop running. I can see beautiful scenes of Seoul here.

D.O : I always come here when I don't have mood. It makes me feel relaxed.

Me : Yeah. That means you don't have mood now?

D.O : Let's forget that. Here, write your wish. (gives me a paper)

Me : For what?

D.O : Everyone who passes here will do this. We hang that paper on this tree.

Me : Okay.

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