Does he like me?

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With a blink of eye, two years have passed fastly, faster than I didin't even imagine. With this two years, in this school, I got three bestfriends that I'll treasure in my whole life, Seunghee, Jaehyun, and lastly, Hyunsoo. About Seunghee, I feel happy for her to have been dating the boy she likes, Jaehyun. Hyunsoo has been chased by many girl, I don't know why he doesn't got one too. And yes, I'm still searching for myself about that boy which is still unclear in my mind.

Seunghee : What are you thinking, huh?

Me : Nothing. The snowflakes are so beautiful..

Seunghee : That's why I like winter. Oh, yes, by the way, I heard that tommorow there's a student who will transfer to our school! I've seen him before, he is so handsome....

Me : Yah, then how about Jaehyun?

Seunghee : About him, I love him. I just like that boy, not love!

Me : Geez..... What is his name then?

Seunghee : I don't really know... But I know people call him Kyungsoo oppa, ahhh so handsomee


I tilt my head. It feels like I've heard this name somewhere before. Or maybe I have a feeling I've ever .We was enjoy chitchatting in the class, when suddenly many students running towards somewhere. Seunghee grabs my hand and follow those students. What we can see, a bunch af students gathered. I squeeze in to see what happened. I saw Hyunsoo lying on the floor, with bleeding lips. And the one standing beside him, Sunggyu. This two is the most popular boy in school. I heard that they aren't in good terms.

Sunggyu : Finally I've let out this punch. I warn you, don't ever snatch her from me.

Hyunsoo : I'll never let you too.

And like that, the crowd have gone, leaving Hyunsoo. I could see he is struggling alone, stand up by himself. I follow him until he stops walking. We are in school's rooftop right now. I slowly take a place beside him.

Hyunsoo : I'm a bad person, right?

Me : Uh? No, no, you aren't bad at all. You don't even hit him in revenge just now...

Hyunsoo : Yeah, I want to, but I hold it.

Me : (Taking out a cotton and clean his lips) Your lips are bleeding. Does it hurt?

Hyunsoo : It doesn't hurt at all because it's you right now.

Me : Huh? Why?

Hyunsoo : (Grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him) Because this.


I couldn't even breath or blink my eyes. Our face is so close, his eyes are staring deeply at mine. After some seconds, I cut off his stare from mine.

Me : Why are you... Doing this? Stop joking around me..

Hyunsoo : I'm not even joking.

Me : By any chance.... Do you like me?

Hyunsoo : (Staring deeply again) If is that? What If you are the only one who always make my heart beating like this?

-To be Continued-

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