Old Memories

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Hyunsoo : Here. (Hands me my old phone)

Me : (Jumps up) Yah, where did you find this? I thought someone else took it already!

Hyunsoo : Someone took it.. He told me to give this to you.

Me : What a relief.. Who is he by the way?

Hyunsoo : He seemed in urgent just now so I didin't ask him tho.

Me : That's a pity. How great if I can directly say thanks to him.


It has been a week since Hyunsoo moved into my house. All those times he was by my side. And more, I'm confused with my feeling. Either just because of his concern, or I really have feelings for him? I was dozed with those questions in my head when suddenly a bicycle scratch a little with my body. The boy falls over while Hyunsoo grabs me tightly. It just like things happen in a second. As he looks up to us, my mind seems like recalling something. I think... I have met him before?



I open my old phone and seems like I have something new in my memo. A kind of message? 'It'll be good if I return this phone myself. But, I'm so sorry for not doing that. I have something urgent to do just now.' Does that guy even have a steel heart? Such a cold person. Just now I accidentally spot his nametag. '도경수' Did I really saw that right or wrong, since he is quite nervous just now. I think I saw this name before... Ah that box! I run towards a medium-black box, which I didin't even know what are all the thing in there. I scrabble around and finally spot a polaroid selca with that name on it. Exactly the same. "Ugh stupid head! Couldn't you just operate a littlee!?" I said while hitting me head. But did I just aged? It seems like I forget things easily.

Hyunsoo : Soojin? Soojin..?

Me : Oh yes???

Hyunsoo : What are you thinking? I've been calling you a several times.

Me : Ah nothing. What's the matter?

Hyunsoo : Time to go now.

Me : Ah I almost forgot it. I'll be ready in a minute.


Finally arrived at Namsan tower. I always come here with Hyunsoo, especially sunday. It feels like I was light as air when I come here. We was walking when I saw something caught my eye. A similiar-looking snapback. Not similar it was exactly the same! Get your sense up Soojin! Not only me who has that snapback.. And then Hyunsoo leads me to spot which has many stars. "The stars are so pretty! Gomawo Hyunsoo-ah!" I smiled while talking to him. He is really good when comes to accompany someone. Suddenly, he pulls me closer and kisses me. I was all shock state. Did he... Really serious about his words?



[Kyungsoo's POV]


I was walking around the river at Namsan when I widened my eyes at what I spot. Yes I spotted her, Soojin. At first I thought I was dreaming, yeah but it's reality. It's really her. Her smile, her voice. As I was gonna walk towards her, a boy beside her suddenly kisses her. I widened my eyes and my whole body freeze, as I my heart is going to stop beating.

-End of Kyungsoo's POV-

-To be Continued-



Okay so I'll be using some korean words again in my fanfics and imagines. Those who couldn't understand can comment below Sorry for the really really latepost

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