Old Phone

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Me : Actually, I have a bit feeling towards you. But... I have an unsettled feelings, which makes me confused.

Hyunsoo : It's okay. I'll be waiting until your feeling is settled.

Me : Thank you for everything, Hyunsoo.

Hyunsoo : (Comes closer to me) Don't cry. Every girl is pretty when they are crying, but you aren't. You look ugly right now. So stop crying. (Wipes my tears)

Me : Hyun... Hyunsoo..

Hyunsoo : You look better without tears. Now let's go home.




My heart was broke into pieces as I reach home. "My mom.. Is at hospital?" My mind was all blank. Just then Hyunsoo grabs my hand and hop into his car. He quickly drives me to the hospital, where my mom was. My tears, couldn't stop flowing down. I'm afraid that something might happen to my mom. As I reach there, my heart was like about to explode soon. Time goes and goes, until 3 hours, but still haven't got any news from the doctor.



"I'm sorry miss. Your mom has reached the last stage if cancer. I hope you can be prepare." "Mom has.... Cancer? The reason I saw Mom keep eating medicines, and almost fainted yesterday.. Why didin't you tell me mom? I have no one else now. What am I gonna do mom.." My legs weaken. Tears are dripping onto the floor. I didin't even know my mom condition. I hit myself on the wall, when Hyunsoo comes and hugs me, comforting me. I cry out all of my sadness in his hug. "What am I going to do now...." I said while crying.




After a few day, everything has done. Done. I'm all alone now. I was unable to control my mind that time, but Hyunsoo, who has stayed by my side all the time, until now he is still by my side.

Me : Thanks for staying by my side. I think... You should go now. I...

Hyunsoo : Don't think that it's bothering me. I would be worry too much if I leave you. I'll move here tonight, I can't leave you alone.

Me : But...

Hyunsoo : Don't worry.



Suddenly, my old phone vibrates. It was that number again. I think I shouldn't avoid this. Without hesitate, I take the phone and press the green button.

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