Just like strangers

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One day at school, Suho tell me to gather up with other members. We talking about each other hobbies, etc. They also talk about Kyungsoo's girlfriend. They throw hundred of questions about her to Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun : It's been two months since you dating with her. How do you think about her?

D.O : Ahh, she is a adorable, pretty, and a good girl. I'm thankful to have her in my life. (smiles brightly)

Lay : I'm jealous that he would get such a perfect girl, don't you agree, Soojin?

Me : Oh, ne. She really mathes you well, I hope you two will last long.

Chanyeol : Lay hyung, how could you say that she is a perfect girl. How about Soojin then? Would you mind to be my jagiya? (Winks at me)

Me : Stop kidding, oppa! I'm not the one! (blush)


We continue with many other questions. We keep teasing each other. From lunch time, until the class is processing, even on the way to dorm. I feel like I'm the happiest girl in the world.

Suho : Let's have dinner together today with Soojin.

Sehun : I'm craving for chinese food. Let's go to the chinese restaurant nearby!

Chen : Good idea, Sehunnie!

Chanyeol : Is it okay for you to eat chinese food?

Me : Of course it's ok. I'm food lover you know, haha.

Chanyeol : Ahh, my jagiya is the sweetiest in the world!

Me : Aniya! I'm not your jagiya! (blush)

Chanyeol : But you are right now! (pinches me)

All : Hahahaha.....



I notice all the members are laughing happily, except Kyungsoo. I wonder what's wrong with him, I want to ask him, but It's none of my business now. He has a girlfriend already.

When we arrive, we immediately order foods. Today's Chanyeol looks a bit different for usual. He keep clings on me, teasing me and saying I am his jagiya. The weird is Kyungsoo become gloomy.

Chanyeol : Jagiya, what do you want to eat? (Wraps his arm around mine)

Me : (quickly let off) I'm not your jagiya! (ignores him)

Chanyeol : Okay, okay. I'll not call that again my jagiya. Upsss.... Mianhae




After a long wait, finally the food came. The table is full of foods due to many members. At the time I notice Kyungsoo, he is looking at me. He quickly turns away and ignores me with a gloomy face.

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