Chapter 1: Best Friends

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Shukla Creations, well known for its high quality products, creative designers, hardworking employees and mostly for its CEO Sidharth Shukla.

Sidharth Shukla, age 30, eligible bachelor. No doubt he is the dream man of many girls. But does he really cares about it?

Actually not at all. As he doesn't have much time for all these. After work his only priority is his family and his 'Sana'.

Sid and Sana's fathers were friends. Sana's father came to Mumbai from Punjab to start his career in politics. After he came to Mumbai, his childhood friend late Ashok Shukla, who is Sid's father, helped him a lot. Ashok Shukla was a well known businessman and he established the Shukla Creations. By hardwork and with the help of his friend, Sana's father Santokh Singh became a very successful politician. After Ashok Shukla's death, Santokh Singh and his wife also gave Rita Shukla a lot of mental support. Since then two families are very close to each other. So Sid and Sana knew each other from childhood and they are best friends.

Now back to the present days...

Sidharth is working in his cabin. One can easily say by looking at his face that he has a lot of work pressure. Suddenly someone knocks.

"May I come in?"

Sid looked at the person. "Oh Shefali, yeah come in." Sid replies.

Shefali comes and sits. "Sid our meeting with Mr. Sharma is tomorrow but our lead fashion designer Ruhanika won't be there at the meeting" says Shefali.

"What?" Sid looks angrily. "Doesn't she know how much important this meeting is?"

"I told you earlier that she is very unprofessional. She said that she was ill"

"Lame excuse." Sid says and picks up his phone. Then he dials someone.

"Hello, Dev"

"Hello Sir, what happened?"

"Inform Ruhanika that she doesn't have to come to office from tomorrow. She is fired"

"But sir, she is our lead designer..."

"Give advertisement that we need a new designer. Who wants to work with us can send us their designs through email. Selected candidates will be called for the interview. The interview is on next Monday and designs can be sent till Sunday. Do you understand?" Says Sid.

"Ok, Sir." replies Dev, Sid's PA.

Sid hangs up the phone.

Shefali was listening all these. After sometime she speaks.

"Sid you are looking worried. Don't think too much. Whatever happens, happens for the best. Maybe we'll get a better designer than Ruhanika." Says Shefali.

Sid nods.

Shefali leaves.

Sid again concentrates on his works.

After a few hours his phone rings. He looks at the phone.

"Oh Shit! Sana" Sid utters and looks at his watch. "It's 10pm" Sid utters again.

He picks up the phone.

"Hello Sana. I'm on the way. Here is too much traffic..."

"Oh shut up! I know that you're in the office and you forgot that today we have planned to watch a movie." Says Sana.

"Sorry, I had some important works I'm coming soon. Then we'll watch the movie." Replies Sid.

"Show time is over. I'm going home. Now you can do your important work." Sana says angrily.

"Please don't go home. Stay where you are. I'm coming in 20 minutes."

Sana hangs up.

Sid quickly sits in his car and goes to "Inox Megaplex".

Sana was waiting outside.

As soon as Sid comes, she gives her an angry look.

"Show time is already over. What you are doing here?" Asks Sana.

"Sorry. We missed the movie. It's all my fault. But I can make it up to you." Says Sid.


"Strawberry ice-cream."

"You always do this to me. That's why I can't stay angry with you, even for a moment also." Says Sana.

Then both smiles.

They goes to the nearest ice-cream parlour.

Sid orders a strawberry ice-cream for Sana and a vanilla ice-cream for himself.

Then they goes outside the parlour and stands near Sid's car eating ice-cream.

Sana is the only relaxation in Sid's busy life. When he is with her he forgets about everything, his office, his work pressure, responsibilities of family everything. He becomes a teenager who is having fun with his best friend. If somebody of his office sees him with Sana like this, they will definitely not recognize the angry businessman Sidharth Shukla.

After sometime Sana says, "Sid I think you should marry now."

"Sana, why are talking like my mother?" Asks Sid.

"You are 30 now. You should marry. And I think you are ready for marriage. You will be a good husband."

"How do you know that I'll be a good husband?"

"Though I was angry with you a moment ago, you easily made it up to me. A good husband has these qualities."

"I'm waiting for the right person. When I'll meet her I'll definitely marry. But tell me why don't you marry? You are also 28."

"I'm also waiting for the right person."

"I don't think you will get someone. None will be able to tolerate your drama." Sid laughs.

"What? Listen, if none can tolerate my drama then none can tolerate your attitude also."

"I don't have attitude. If I had then I wouldn't ask for forgiveness to you a while ago."

"Ok, if none agrees to marry me, then I'll marry Paras. He will easily marry me."

"I thought you didn't like him."

"I have to when I have no option. Now tell me what kind of girl you want as your wife?"

"For me look doesn't matter. I want a girl who is humble, soft spoken, honest, loyal, serious about everything and mostly caring about me and my family."

Sid closes eyes and thinks about his dream girl.

At Ahmedabad...

A girl is sitting on the chair. She is holding a pencil and drawing something.

While drawing sometimes she stops, puts pencil on her mouth then again draws.

Suddenly another girl enters her room. She says, "Good news, Rashu!"

The girl who was drawing, suddenly stops. "What happened Jahnvi?"

"Rashmi, a very well known company of Mumbai is looking for a fashion designer to work with them. You can send your designs through email."

Rashmi thinks for sometime. Then she says, "What's is the name of the company?"

"Shukla Creations"


Here is my first chapter. I wanna tell you that here can be many grammatical mistakes. Just try to ignore them. And if you are liking the story please vote for it. Thank you.

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