Chapter 10: Heart Broken

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Next day in the morning....

Sana looks at the mirror again and again. She fixes her scarf and combs her hair.

"Should I tie it? No open hair looks better." Sana says in her mind.

Jasmine enters the room and sees her sister doing make-up. "What happened Di? Usually you don't do this much make-up. Is there anything special today?" Asks Jasmin curiously.

Sana turns her head to Jasmine. "No, nothing special. By the way am I looking good?"

"I can bet that you're doing this for someone. Who's he? Sid bhaiya?" Asks Jasmine.

"Oh actually mm..." Sana can't find words.

"I knew it. You love him right? I noticed you yesterday. How you were looking at him while dancing! So romantic." Jasmine says dramatically.

"Stop teasing me." Sana blushes.

"When are you going to tell him?"

"Today. I don't want to do late."

"Good. The sooner, the better." Jasmine laughs.

"Ok. I'm going to studio. Bye." Says Sana and leaves.

At Sid's Office...

Sid is checking his files but his mind is somewhere else. "Did Rashmi think about it? What if she refuses? How am I gonna face her today? Oh God please help me." Says Sid in his mind.

Sid hears a knocking.


Rashmi enters. Sid becomes very nervous. "Rashmi please sit." Says Sid.

Rashmi sits. "Sir I thought about your proposal and..." Rashmi stops for a while.

"And?" Asks Sid.

"I think I'm very fortunate that I get a chance to have a person like you in my life." Says Rashmi.

"It means..." Sid stops midway.

Rashmi smiles. "Yeah I love you."

Sid jumps out of joy and hugs Rashmi.

"From now you'll not call me Sir. Call me Sid."

"But Sir, we are in the office and it'll look bad if I call you by your name."

"Nothing will look bad."

"Ok, I'll call you Sidharth." Says Rashmi and they leave each other.

Sid nods.

In the evening...

Sid is in a very happy mood. Finally he got his dream girl. She is educated, she is soft spoken, she is sensible, mature and above all she is very much attractive. What else quality he wants in a girl? She is perfect.

"Mom will definitely like her." Says Sid in his mind.

Sid decides to finish his work early today and meet Sana. He have to tell Sana about this. She'll be very happy. Sid smiles in his mind. Suddenly his phone rings.

"Hello. Sana? I was about to call you." Says Sid.

"Sid can you meet me at our favourite ice-cream parlour. I want to tell you something." Says Sana.

"Of course. I'm coming right now. I also have something to tell you." Says Sid very excitedly.

Sana's heart skips a beat.

"What is he going to tell? Does he also feel the same? Is he going to confess?" Says Sana in her mind.

"Ok meet me there." Says Sana and hangs up.

After a while...

Sana is standing outside the ice-cream parlour and waiting for Sid.

"He is going to tell me something. But what? Maybe it's not what I'm thinking. But I have to tell him at any cost. Should I directly tell him I love you? Or should I say something touchy and then confess my love? Oh I'm so confused. He is coming. Sana, be ready." Sana takes a deep breath, "Here goes nothing." Sana mumbles and goes to Sid.

"I've something to tell you." They both say together.

"You tell first." Says Sid.

"No, you tell first." Says Sana. She is blushing. She is expecting Sid to tell something but it doesn't happen. He tells something else.

"I asked Rashmi out yesterday. And finally she agreed to be my girlfriend. I have got my true love. I'm very happy Sana, I'm very happy." Says Sid.

Sana's face turns pale. She is too shocked to tell something. His words completely broke her heart. The joy, the excitement she had a moment ago, everything lost all of a sudden.

Sid is her love, her first love, her true love, but she isn't Sid's. There's someone else in his heart. Today she lost her true love forever. As soon as this thought comes to her mind, she can't control her tears.

Suddenly it starts raining. Raindrops fall on her face and help her to hide tears.

Sana takes advantage of it. She puts a large smile on her face. "That's so good. What are you doing here now? G..go, spend t..time with your g..girlfriend." Sana's voice trembles.

"But we were supposed to eat ice-cream and spend time together. Also you were going to tell me something." Says Sid.

"It's not that important. And I will not eat ice-cream." Says Sana.

"Okay I'm going then. Will you go home yourself in this heavy rain?"

"From now I've to do many things myself." Says Sana and goes away.

Sid doesn't understand why she says like this.

Sana is walking in the rain. She is completely wet. She is shivering. Only thought that is coming to her mind is from now Sid is not her. She won't be able to look at him like she used to. She feels so empty. "Does true love always hurt?" Sana asks herself. She continues walking. The road seems longer than usual.

Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna
Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna

Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Dil roya ki ankh bhar aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna

Tujhe yaad na meri aayee
Kisi se ab kya kehna


It was a heartbreaking chapter.

Will Sana ever be able confess her love?

And will Sid's feelings change?

Stay tuned...

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