Chapter 31: The End

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Sid comes back to his room with a broken heart. The room is dark. But the darkness is nothing in front of the darkness in his heart. Because the person who brought light in his life is not there anymore. He still remembers when his father died, he was so young then. Putting his head on Sana's shoulder, he cried for almost an hour. Sana was also young then. But she didn't move a bit. She kept consoling him continuously. She never left him alone. But now, when he needs her the most, she is not there. And it all happened because of him.

Sid goes to Rahul's room, takes his guitar and comes back to his room.

"Now it's my only companion." Sid says in his mind and starts playing the guitar.

Suddenly he hears a female voice. "Nice. I have to say you play guitar very well. But why this sad tune?"

"Because I am sad....But who's this?" Sid turns behind curiously.

Suddenly the light is switched on.

"Have you forgot my voice also?" Sana asks.

Sid becomes shocked to see Sana.

"Sana, are you really here or am I dreaming?" Sid asks.

Sana comes close to him and pinches his hand.

"Ahhh....What are you doing?"

"See, you are not dreaming." Sana says and giggles.

"But, didn't you leave for Canada?" Sid asks.

"Hmm... I almost. But I changed my mind at the last moment. Thanks to Rashmi."


"Yeah. What actually happened was...."


After talking with Jahnvi, Rashmi looked at her phone.

"It's already so late. Sidharth won't be able to reach on time. I should do something." Rashmi said in her mind and called Sana.

Sana was preparing to leave. Suddenly her phone rang. She picked up the call.

"Hello, Sana."

"Yeah Rashmi say."

"Sana, I think you should not go."

"Why are you saying this?"

"Because someone loves you very much. If you go, it will break his heart. He can't live without you."

"Whom are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Sidharth. He loves only you. Finally he realized it. He has gone to the airport to stop you. But I don't think that he will be able to reach before the departure time. So I informed you."

"But Rashmi, you also love him. Why are you doing this then?"

"Don't think I pity you. Which is mine, I never give it to anyone. But Sidharth was never mine. He was always yours and he will be. I hope now you have changed your mind."

"Hmm. Thank you Rashmi. I'll be very grateful to you."

Flashback Ends...

"Do you understand now why I stayed?" Sana asks.

"Yeah but if you knew everything earlier then why didn't you meet me at the airport? Do you have any idea how much I felt broken inside?" Sid says.

"Why? Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Don't you know?"

Sana nods no.

"You never told me. How will I know?" Sana says.

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