Chapter 24: Kidnapped

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It's 6.00 am. Sana wakes up from sleep. She yawns. She is feeling dizzy. It's the reaction of alcohol. Then she looks at the room.

"Where I am? It's not my room." Sana says in her mind. She stands up and goes out of the room. She realizes that it's Sid's house.

"What am I doing in Sid's house? Oh! I can't remember anything about last night. The last thing I remember is Sid and Rashmi were dancing together and I was drinking beer then.....Ah! My head is paining very badly. No I've to go to Sid's room and ask him about last night." Sana says in her mind and goes to Sid's room.

He is sleeping in his bed. Sana notices his shirt and pant on the sofa of his room.

"This lazy boy changed his cloths but didn't keep them in their right place." Sana says in her mind and starts tidying the cloths.

While doing it, something falls on the floor from the pocket. Sana picks it up and notices that it's an earring.

"Why there is an earring in his pocket? I think I saw it somewhere.... Where I saw it....Yeah I remember, it was the earring which Rashmi wore last night. But why is it in his pocket? Does it mean..."

Suddenly Sana notices a lipstick mark on Sid's shirt.

"So my guess is right. Rashmi was here last night. There is no one else in the house except me. And maybe I was drunk last night and sleeping in the guest room. So there wasn't any problem. They spent the night together in this room. They s..slept together...Noooo.... This is not true....This can't be true..."

Sana throws the cloths on the floor and leaves the room crying. She comes downstairs and goes out of the house.

"I know it's not his fault. They are together. So it's natural for them. But still I can't accept it. I can't. I just hate you Sid. I hate you." Sana says and wipes her tears.

Suddenly one man comes in front of her. He was wearing masks.

"What happened? What do you want?" Sana asks him curiously.

Suddenly another man grabbed her from back. Sana's handbag and mobile falls on the road.

"Hey! LEAVE ME. What do you want? I SAID LEAVE ME. HELP! HELP!" Sana screams loudly.

The man who is in front of her, takes out a white handkerchief dipped in chloroform and places it over Sana's nose. Soon she becomes unconscious. They takes her in the car and goes away.

After Two Hours...

Sid wakes up from sleep. He sees his cloths on the floor. He stands up, takes the cloths in his hand and puts them in the closet.

Then he goes to the guest room to check on Sana. But she finds none in the room.

"Where has she gone?" Sid says in his mind and checks everywhere in his house. But Sana is not in the house.

"Has she already left? She could tell me at least. Maybe she remembers everything about last night and now she is feeling embarrassed. I should call her." Sid says in his mind.

Sid was about to call Sana, suddenly he gets a message in his phone.

"We have kidnapped your girlfriend. Find her if you can." Sid reads the message.

"What the fuck!" Sid becomes shocked.

He dials the number but it is saying not reachable.

"Someone kidnapped Rashmi. It's all my fault. I should have not left her alone yesterday." Sid mumbles.

Suddenly Sid gets a call from Rashmi.

"Rashmi?" Sid says and picks up the call.

"Sidharth, where are you? Aren't you coming office? You remember nah today is the award ceremony." Rashmi says.

"Rashmi, are you fine?" Sid asks.

"Of course. What will happen to me?"

"Then what about the kidnapping...."

"Kidnapping? Who kidnapped whom?"

"Nothing. I think it's just a prank. You don't have to worry. I'm coming soon."

Sid hangs up the phone.

Sid gets ready for office. He comes out of his house. He was about to get into the car suddenly he notices Sana's handbag and phone on the road. He picks up those.

"Sana's handbag? And her phone also. But why these are here on the road. She is not this much careless that she will leaves her handbag and phone on the road." Sid says in his mind.

Suddenly Sid gets a call from Sana's mother. He picks up the call.

"Hello Sid beta, do you know where is Sana? She didn't come home from last night. Is she with you?" Sana's mother asks.

"What? Didn't she come yet? Ok Aunty don't worry. Maybe she is in her studio." Sid replies.

"But she didn't even call me. She isn't irresponsible. What if she is in danger?"

"Aunty relax. She didn't call you because she left her phone. Don't worry I'm going to the studio. After reaching there I'll call you."

"Okay beta."

Sid hangs up.

He gets into his car and starts driving. After sometime he reaches the studio. He comes out of his car and enters the studio. There is everyone except Sana.

"Sidharth bhai, what are you doing here?" Paras asks Sidharth suddenly.

"Actually I came here for Sana. Where is she?" Sid asks.

"Sana? She didn't come yet. Actually she is not with us from last night. At that disco, we saw her with you and Rashmi. After that we didn't see her again. We thought she left with you." Paras says.

"You didn't see her because you were busy doing Mahira." Sid says in his mind.

"What happened? Isn't she with you?" Paras asks.

"No. I mean she was with me last night but she is missing from morning." Sid says.

Suddenly Sid understands everything.

"Oh Fuck! Sana...Sana is kidnapped. Someone was going to kidnap Rashmi but mistakenly he kidnapped Sana." Sid says.

"What are you saying Sidharth?" Paras asks.

Sid shows the message to Paras.

"Sidharth we have to go to the police." Paras says.

"Will you also go?" Sid asks

"Of course." Paras says.

Sid and Paras goes to the police station.


"Hello Boss... Yes she is here...No no she is unconscious...Do you want a photo of her...Sure.." The man hangs up his phone.

There are 5-6 men. They has kept Sana in an old empty godown. They has tied her hands and legs with a rope and put tape over her mouth.

One of the men takes her photo and sends it to Abhinav, their boss.

Abhinav sees the photo and becomes shocked. He immediately calls his men.

"You bloody idiot! Can't you do one work rightly?" Abhinav shouts at them.

"Why boss? What happened?" He asks.

"Do you know whom you have kidnapped? She is Shehnaaz. Sidharth's friend not his girlfriend."

"We are really sorry boss. Last night they went your home together. They were there the whole night. How will we understand that she is not his girlfriend?"

"Okay okay. No problem. Shehnaaz is his best friend so I'm sure he will be busy finding her. My plan will be successful. Just don't get caught. Remember?"

"Of course Sir." The man hangs up the phone.


Sana is in danger!

Will Sid be able to rescue Sana and attend the award ceremony also?

Stay tuned...

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