Chapter 30: Realization Of Love

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"Sana please don't go. What will I do without you?" Sid says.

"It's too late Sid. Don't stop me now." Sana says.

"Sana you are my everything. I am nothing without you. And I know you also can't live without me. Then why are you doing this?"

"I was always there for you. But you never cared about me. You were busy in your own life. Now when I have finally decided to move on then why are you stopping me? I have to go Sid. Goodbye. Take care of yourself." Sana says and starts leaving.

"Sana... Please.... Don't go."

Sana disappears into the darkness.

"Sana wait. Don't go please. Sanaa....Sana I love youuuu...."

Suddenly Sid wakes up. It's 7.00 am. He stands up and drinks water from his bottle.

"So it was a nightmare. But that means..."

Sid stares at himself in the mirror.

"Is it true? I.... I love Sana. I really love her." Sid says in his mind.

Tears starts rolling down from his eyes.

Suddenly his mother enters and sees her son crying. She goes to him.

"Sid beta, what happened? Why are you crying?" Rita Ji asks.

Sid turns behind and hugs Rita Ji. He is still crying.

"Mom, I have done a huge mistake. How did I become so stupid? I couldn't identify my true love." Sid says.

"Calm down beta. Sit here and tell me everything."

They both sits on the bed.

"Mom it's Sana. It was always her. I love her very much. I can't let her go. I can't imagine my life without her." Sid says.

"I can understand but you should have realized it earlier. Now there's no use of crying. Sana is going." Rita Ji says.

"I know Mom. It's late. My heart is saying that I should go and tell her about my feelings. But my mind is saying that I can't betray Rashmi. She is my girlfriend. What should I do now? Should I listen to my mind or listen to my heart?"

"You chose Rashmi and it was your decision. I didn't interfere. Now it's also up to you. You have to decide whom you will choose."

"I don't know Mom. But I don't think Sana loves me. If she loved me then she would believe me that day. Also she couldn't go like this."

"I think you should go and meet her before she leaves. You will get a chance to clear everything." Rita Ji says.

"Yeah, you are right. I'm going to her place right now." Sid says.

At Sana's Home...

Sana is packing her suitcase. Jasmine is helping her doing this. While putting her cloths and other essential things in the suitcase, Sana notices a photo frame of her and Sid. She looks at it. A teardrop falls on the photo frame. Sana puts the photo frame in her suitcase.

"Di, if you want to move on then what's the meaning of taking old memories with you?" Jasmine asks.

Sana doesn't say anything. She completes packing and stands up.

Suddenly they hears a knock at the door.

"I'm checking who's it." Jasmine says and goes.

After sometime Sid enters the room.

"You both talk. I'm going to the living room." Jasmine says and leaves the room.

Sid notices the packed suitcase.

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