Chapter 9: Love Triangle

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Later that night....

Everyone leaves the house. Sana goes to her room. Still she is thinking about Sid. She looks at the bracelet and smiles.

"I should tell him about my feelings. I know he feels the same for me. Also he doesn't date Rashmi. So there's no problem. Mr. Sidharth Shukla, tomorrow I'll definitely confess my love to you." Says Sana in her mind.


Sid drops Rashmi home. Rashmi gets down from the car.

"Thanks Sir." Says Rashmi and she was about to leave as Sid stops her.

Sid gets down from his car and goes to Rashmi.

"What happened Sir?" Asks Rashmi.

"Wanna tell you something." Replies Sid

"What do you want to say." Rashmi again asks.

Sid slowly kneels to the ground. Before Rashmi could say anything, Sid takes out a rose from his pocket and proposes Rashmi, "I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that why I'm doing this. But Rashmi today I want to say you that I love you. From the day I saw you at the station I have fallen in love with you. I know it's early, we just met, but Rashmi I'll request you to give our relationship a chance. I decided that today I'll tell you about my feelings. So Ms. Rashmi Desai, will you be my girlfriend?"

Rashmi left astonished. She doesn't know what to say actually, so she becomes silent.

Sid again says, "I know Rashmi it's difficult to decide at a sudden. Take your time. Whatever your decision will be I'll respect that." Says Sid and gives her the rose. Sid leaves with his car.

Rashmi goes to her home and calls Janhvi.

"Hello Rashmi, I thought that you'll call. How was the party? Did you become successful to please your boss?"

Rashmi takes a deep breath and says, "He proposed me."

"Who proposed whom?"

"My boss proposed me today."

"Are you kidding me? It's impossible."

"Janhvi I'm serious. Siddharth Shukla proposed me today, just now. I don't know what to say."

"Wait wait. Business tycoon Sidharth Shukla proposed you and you don't know what to say. Tell me one thing, do you love him?"

"Of course not. I mean yeah he is my boss and I respect him very much. But it's not love. I don't even know him well. I think I should reject him."

"Are you crazy? You'll reject Sidharth Shukla? Oh Rashmi you're lucky that he proposed you."

"But I don't love him. For now my only priority is my work. Nothing else."

"Rashmi think wisely. If you become his girlfriend, you'll be a well-known face in the fashion industry. You'll get all you wanted. Fame, money, popularity everything. And always remember that you struggled very much for this position."

"Are you telling me to use him?"

"I'm just telling you to give your relationship a chance. See what happens. Just be loyal. Who knows you may end up falling for him. After all he is not a bad person."

"I think you're right." Says Rashmi and hangs up. 

Rashmi goes to her window and looks at the stars.

Sid is standing on a bridge. He is thinking about Rashmi. Suddenly his eyes get stuck to the stars.

Sana comes to her balcony. She likes watching the night view. And today she feels better by watching the stars.

Three of them smiles.

Three stars are shining more brightly than others.


Here's the chapter. This chapter is short but now the real story begins. Be ready to witness the rollercoaster journey of the three. This chapter and some upcoming chapters may break my reader's hearts but remember one thing-

Yeh ishq nahi asaan
Bas itna samajh li jiye
Ik aag ka dariya hai
Aur doob ke jaana hai

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