Chapter 26: The Truth

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Sana is lying on her bed and talking to her mother and Jasmine.

"Mummy, why are you still crying? You can see I'm fine." Sana says.

"Fine? So why there is a bandage on your hand?" Parminder Ji asks.

"It's nothing. It's not even paining. Now you tell me, have you eaten anything?" Sana asks.

Parminder Ji nods no.

"Jasmine, you?" Sana asks and looks at Jasmine.

"Di, how can we eat without you?" Jasmine says.

"You all should eat something now." Sana says.

"Ok I'm telling our maid to serve the lunch. Di, you also come and eat something." Jasmine says.

"You go. I'm coming." Sana says.

Jasmine and Parminder Ji leaves the room.

Sid is outside Sana's room.

After they leave, Sid enters the room and sits beside Sana. He looks at the bandage on her hand and asks, "Is it paining?"

"No." Sana says.

"I can't even imagine what you have faced today. Thanks to God that you are safe now." Sid says.

"Thanks to you. If you didn't come for my rescue, I don't know what would happen. By the way, how did you trace me? When I called you, it got disconnected. How did you come to know where I was?" Sana asks

"It's true that the call got disconnected. But we tracked the phone number and found your location. Now I want to know how did you get their phone?" Sid asks.

Sana tells him the whole story.

After hearing her story Sid becomes surprised and says, "Genius! I can't believe that you did all these yourself. I didn't know you are this much intelligent."

"From now you won't call me Gadhi." Sana says.

Sid laughs.

Suddenly Sid's phone rings.

"Police Officer. I've to pick up this call." Sid says and picks up the call. He goes outside the room.


"Hello, Mr. Shukla." The police officer says.

"Did they confess anything? Who is behind this?" Sid asks.

"Actually Sir we forced them to confess and they finally told that who was behind this."

"Sir tell me who told them to kidnap Sana."

"Unfortunately it's your brother, Mr. Abhinav Shukla."

"What?" Sid becomes shocked. "Sir it can't be possible. There must be some misunderstandings. Why will Abhinav bhaiya kidnap Sana?"

"He tried to kidnap Ms. Rashmi Desai. Actually he didn't want you to attend the award ceremony. So he planned all these. That's all Mr. Shukla. And I don't think the goons will tell a lie."

"Ok Sir. T...Thanks." Sid says and hangs up the phone. He feels betrayed. His brother, his own brother did this to him. He always cared about his brother, he always loved him but what he got in return? Betrayal.

"Now you crossed you limit Abhinav bhaiya. If you tried to hurt me I might forgive you. But this time you tried to hurt my Sana. Now you will face the anger of Sidharth Shukla." Sid says in his mind and calls Abhinav.

"Hello, Abhinav bhaiya, where are you?" Sid asks.

"I'm at a meeting, why?" Abhinav asks.

"You don't have to. I cancelled all your meetings. You are no longer a part of Shukla Creations."

"W-what? What have I done?"

"After doing all these, you are asking what you have done? I'm feeling embarrassed to call you my brother. You never loved me. You always tried to take the position of mine in Shukla Creations. But it was okay. I didn't mind a little. But how did you even think of kidnapping Sana to stop me from going to the award ceremony? I..I don't what to say but I can't hand over you to the police. After all you are still my brother. But from now I and my family have no relation with you. And there is no place for you in my home or my company." Sid says angrily.

"Sid listen to me. I'm sorry. Give me a second chance..."

Sid hangs up.

He is feeling bad but what he did was right. Abhinav deserves it.

Suddenly Rashmi puts a hand on Sid's shoulder. Sid turns his head to Rashmi. Rashmi is there because Parminder Ji told her to have lunch with them.

"Sidharth, I heard everything. You did right. He deserves it." Rashmi says.

Sid doesn't say anything.

"I know Sidharth you are angry with me. I came here to say sorry. You must be thinking that I'm a selfish person. It's true. I don't know how I became so selfish. Sana was in danger because of me. But all I was thinking about was the award ceremony. I'm really sorry Sidharth. Please forgive me." Rashmi says.

"It's okay Rashmi. I'm happy that you realized your mistake." Sid says and hugs Rashmi.

Sana comes out of her room and sees them like this. Suddenly the lipstick mark on Sid's shirt and Rashmi's earring in Sid's pocket come to her mind.

"Whenever I try to come close to Sid, God reminds me that it's Sid and Rashmi's story. Sid will love me always. But only as a friend. He has feelings for Rashmi. And it's the truth." Sana says in her mind.

Suddenly Rashmi notices Sana and leaves Sid. They both look at Sana.

"Sana where are you going?" Sid asks.

"To the dining table to have my lunch. Aren't you two coming?" Sana asks.

"Of course. By the way Sana, today is Sidharth's award ceremony. Won't you come?" Rashmi asks.

"I...Umm...What will I do there?"

"Sana please don't say no. I'll be very happy if you come." Sid says.

Now she can't refuse.

"Ok I'll come." Sana says.

A huge smile comes to his face.


So here is the chapter.

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Be ready for the next chapter as it will be the turning point of this story.

Stay tuned...

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