Chapter 18: A Night Under The Sky

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Standing on the stairs, Sid is talking to someone on his phone.

"Yeah Rashmi, I have just had my dinner."

"Is everything okay there?"

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"How's the place?"

"Beautiful! I'm loving this place."

Suddenly Rahul interrupts.

"Bhaiya, I've something to say." Says Rahul.

"Rashmi I'll call you later okay? Good night." Says Sid and hangs up the call.

"What happened Rahul?" Sid asks.

"Sana Di called you to the rooftop." Rahul says.

"She called me this time?Why?" Sid asks surprisingly.

"How will I know? She told me to inform you and I did." Says Rahul.

"Maybe she wants to talk." Says Sid in his mind.

"Bhaiya, can you give your phone please? Actually my phone is dead and I have to make an urgent call." Says Rahul.

"Okay." Says Sid and gives him his phone.

Rahul leaves with Sid's phone.

"Let's see why she is calling me." Says Sid in his mind and goes to the rooftop.


Sana is busy in her phone. She is checking her instagram. Suddenly she gets a message from Sid on whatsapp.

"Come to the rooftop now. I'm waiting for you." Sana reads the message.

"Why he is calling me this time? Does he want to talk? Should I go?" Sana asks herself.

Suddenly Jasmine enters the room.

"Di, I can't find my phone. Can you give me your phone? I want to dial my number." Says Jasmine.

Sana gives Jasmine her phone.

Jasmine dials her number.

"Oh Aly, my phone is in your room? Okay I'm coming." Says Jasmine and leaves the room with Sana's phone.

"Jas give my phone back." Sana says but she already left.

"I better go to the rooftop." Says Sana in her mind and goes to the rooftop.

She sees Sid standing. They both looks at each other. Sana puts on an air of seriousness and asks, "What happened? Why did you call me?"

"Who told that I called you? You are the one who called me." Says Sid.

"What? But you texted me."

"I didn't text you. Rahul has my phone. And he told me that you were calling me."

"So that means..."

They both makes out the whole matter. Suddenly Jasmine, Aly and Rahul locks the door from outside.

"Oh Shit!" Says Sid and Sana and run to the door.

They start knocking loudly at the door.

"Jas open the door, I said open the door." Screams Sana.

"Rahul, I've had enough of you. Open the door now." Sid also screams.

But who will listen to them? "Let's leave. We should let them enjoy." Says Jasmine in a low voice and three of them leaves.

Soon both of them gets tired and stops knocking.

There is a bamboo cane cot in the rooftop. Sana sits on it. Sid keeps standing.

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