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6 years after...

"Happy Birthday Darling!" Sid hugs Sana from the back and wishes her.

Let me tell you that our Sid and Sana are now happily married couple. They have a 5 years old cute boy named Zorawar Shukla. Nickname Zoro. He is Mamma's prince and Dada's champ.

Sid and Sana are also doing great in their professional life. After quitting job, Sana has set up her own photographic studio, named
''Sidnaaz Studio". This studio has now become one of the best studio in Mumbai. While Shukla Creations has become an international brand.

"Thank you my dear Hubby! By the way, have you wished Zoro? Our baby has turned 5 today." Sana asks. She was doing her make-up.

"Wish? He already took his gift."

"What? But it was a surprise."

"Yeah. But you know how stubborn your son is. Just like you."

"Sid!" Sana turns and gives him an angry look.

"Ok ok sorry. You're not stubborn. By the way you look damn beautiful when you become angry." Sid says.

Then he cups her face and tries to kiss her.

"Dada! Mamma!" Zoro interrupts between them.

Sid and Sana moves away quickly.

"Wonderful! I can't get some free time with my own wife." Sid says.

Sana laughs.

"Of course you will laugh now." Sid says and gets more irritated.

"Dada, Mamma, what were you two doing a moment ago?" Zoro asks.

"Nothing beta. But what are you doing here? Do you want to tell something?" Sana asks.

"See Dada has gifted me this remote control helicopter. Dada is great." Zoro says.

Sana takes Zoro in her arms and asks, "And Mamma? Isn't she great?"

"No Mamma. You are my favourite. I love you." Zoro says and kisses Sana's cheeks.

"Love you too my prince." Sana says. She also kisses Zoro's cheeks.

"Oh Hello! I'm also here. Where's my kiss?" Sid goes to them and says.

Zoro kisses Sid's cheek.

"Mamma, Dada, are you going somewhere?" Zoro asks as he notices them all dressed up.

"Yeah Zoro. We are going to the temple." Sid says.


"Today is your birthday nah? We will pray to God for your happiness and health." Sana says.

"But Mamma, today is your birthday also. Won't anyone pray for your health and happiness?" Zoro asks.

"Don't worry my champ. Your Dada will pray for your Mamma's health and happiness." Sid says.

"Zoro we have to go now. Until we come, you go and play with your helicopter." Sana says and makes him stand on the floor.

Zoro nods and leaves the room.

As soon as Zoro leaves, Sid slowly pulls Sana closer.

"Should we continue what we started?" Sid asks.

"No Sid. We are actually getting late." Sana says and gently pushes him away.

In The Evening...

Sid and Sana has arranged a huge party today at their mansion as today is Sana and Zoro's birthday. Guests has already started coming. After sometime Aly and Jasmine come with their 3 years old Jenny. Sid and Sana go to them.

"Why did you come so late?" Sana asks.

"What can we do Di? Jenny has become very naughty. It's not easy to dress her up and then bring her here. Anyway sorry for being late." Jasmine says.

"Jenny, you should not disturb your Mom. You are a good girl nah?" Sana says to Jenny.

Jenny smiles and nods.

"Hey Aly and Jasmine. Hey Jenny. Why are you still there? Come inside." Rahul says to them.

Let me tell you, Rahul, Jasmine and Aly are very famous now. Their band is very famous, specially among the youngsters. Aly and Jasmine are happily married while Rahul is still single but ready to mingle.

They were talking, suddenly Rita Ji comes and says, "Everyone is here. Then we should cut the cake."

"Yeah, why waiting?" Parminder Ji says.

"But where is Zoro? I can't cut the cake without him." Sana says.

"He was here sometime ago. Where has he gone?" Sid asks.

Everyone starts looking for Zoro.

"Have you seen Tara?" Shefali asks suddenly. Tara is Shefali's daughter. She and Zoro are the same age.

"Isn't she with you?" Sana asks.

"She was. But I don't know where she has gone suddenly." Shefali says.

"I think they are together. They both are very naughty." Sana says.

"Exactly." Shefali says.

Suddenly Sid comes.

"Sana I searched everywhere. I can't find them." Sid says.

"Have you checked the rooftop?" Sana asks.

"No." Sid says.

Sana goes to the rooftop. Sid goes after her.

They find Zoro and Tara there. They are watching the stars.

"Zoro! Tara! What are you doing here? Do you know how much tensed we were?" Sana shouts.

"Sana, calm down. Don't shout at him today." Sid says.

"Oh actually Mamma, we were watching the shooting stars." Zoro says.

"Yeah Aunty. Zoro is right. And it was me who told him to come here. It's not his fault. Please don't say anything to my best friend." Tara says.

"Best friend?" Sid asks.

"Yes Dada. We are best friends. Just like you and Mamma. Dadi told me that you both were best friends and you were also very naughty." Zoro says.

Sid and Sana laugh. Then Sana bends down and says, "It's okay but you should have told us before coming here. Mamma and Dada were so worried. Promise me that you will never do such a thing." Sana says.

"Promise Mamma."

"Promise Aunty."

"Okay okay now you both go. Everyone is waiting for you. We have to cut the cake." Sid says.

Zoro and Tara go from there.

"Sana, look, shooting star." Sid says.

Sid and Sana look at the sky.

"Let's make a wish." Sid says.

"Like our childhood days?" Sana asks.

"Hmm." Sid nods.

They both closes their eyes.

"I'm very happy now. I have everything. A beautiful wife, a cute son, my Mom, my brother. I don't want more. Just keep our family always happy." Sid says in his mind.

"My all wishes came true. Now I have Sid. He loves me a lot. My Zoro is my life. Just keep us happy. Not only us but keep our family also happy. What else I can wish for?" Sana says in her mind.

They both open their eyes. Sana holds Sid's hand and puts her head on his shoulder.

One more star falls from the sky.


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