Chapter 3: Caring About Her

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Ring ring ring! With sleepy eyes Sid stops the alarm and looks at his phone.

"Fuck! It's 8 am"

Sid quickly gets up from his bed and goes to washroom. He washes his face quickly and changes his dress. He wears his white shirt, blue coat and blue pants.

Then he comes downstairs. He was going straight to the door but Rita ji stops him.

"Take breakfast at least." Says Rita ji.

"Mom, I'm already getting late. Why didn't you wake me up?" Asks Sid.

"Because you were sleeping. I don't like waking someone up when he is sleeping very peacefully."

"Ok, now let me go or my employees will think that I'm unpunctual." Says Sid and goes away.

He was driving, suddenly his phone rings. He connects his bluetooth earbuds and answers the call.

"Sid, Where are you?"

"Sana, I'm on the way to my office. What happened?"

"Can you pick me up from my house and drop me to studio?"

"I don't have time"

"Please Sid, my car is taken to be repaired. I've to reach on time. It's urgent."

"Ayee Moti, book a cab or go to studio walking. I can't come."

"Ok fine. Don't come then. I'll call Paras. He cares for me more than you. Bye."

"Arrey wait wait! You're in your home, right?"


"Wait for 5 minutes. I'm coming."

"But you were getting late nah?"

"No. I think I've still sometime."

"Ok. I'm waiting. Bye"

Sana hangs up and laughs. Her this trick always works. She doesn't know why but Sid doesn't like Paras nor Paras likes Sid. She never understands why they have problems with each other. Whatever! She doesn't care.

Sid comes at Sana's place. Sana sits in his car. Then Sid drops her to the studio.

Sana gets down from the car. She turns to Sid and says, "Thanks for dropping me. Bye."

"Mention not. Now can I go to office Mam?" Says Sid

Sana laughs.

"Yeah yeah. You can."

Paras and Mahira were outside the studio. Sana joins them.

"Am I too late?" Asks Sana.

"Yeah. Of course you are late. Is this a time to come to office?" Says Mahira.

"Oh Mahira! Don't start again. No Sana, you are not too late." Says Paras and puts his hands on Sana's shoulder.

Sana feels a little bit uncomfortable but doesn't show it.

Sid was watching all these from his car. That's why he doesn't like this guy. He always tries to be intimate whether the person likes it or not. But he becomes surprised as Sana is also talking with him very nicely. Suddenly he becomes very much angry. He felt a flicker of irritation. Whenever he sees Sana with Paras, he feels this way. But he didn't let it increase. So he takes a deep breath and controls his anger. Then he starts his car and goes away.

At the office...

Sid was checking some files when his PA Dev knocks the door.

"Sir, May I come in?" Asks Dev.

"Yeah come in." Says Sid without looking at Dev.

Dev enters.

"Sir, did you check the mails?"

"Yeah. I have decided already."

"So tell me whom we will call for the interview?"

"Rashmi Desai. Tell her that she got selected. She is our new designer."

"But Sir, what about the interview?"

"No need for that. We don't have much time also. Tell her to join from this Monday."

"Ok Sir." Says Dev and goes out of the cabin.

Sid tries to concentrates on the files. But he can't stop thinking about Sana and Paras, "Why did Paras put his hand on Sana's shoulder? He doesn't have any right. Did Sana like it? So what? I don't care. Do I?"

At the photographic studio...

Sana is busy doing her works. A new model has come for photoshoot and she wants Sana to take photos of her.

Sana has a good reputation as a photographer. Everybody loves her very much. That's why Mahira is very much jealous of her. But Sana really enjoys it.

After the photoshoot was done, Paras comes to Sana.

"Are you free tonight?"

"Yeah but not for you." Sana says looking at the camera.

His face turned pale. Sana never pays him attention. But he always goes to her. He was about to leave, suddenly Sana stops him.

"Listen Paras, wanna tell you something."

"Yeah yeah tell." His face becomes brighter.

"From now, don't try to touch me ever."

"Means?" Paras looks puzzled.

"I didn't want to say it like this. But when you touch me I feel uncomfortable. So don't do it" Says Sana very calmly.

Paras left feeling very insulted.

Sana feels a little bit bad for him. But she couldn't let anyone touch her. She let only Sid touch her. Because he touches him without any bad intentions. She feels safer with him. That's why she likes him this much.

Thinking about Sid, Sana smiles in her mind.


So here is my next chapter. Hope you will like it. Don't forget to vote.

Thanks for reading!

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