Chapter 19: Putting Life At Risk

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Next Morning....

Sid wakes up from sleep. He was sleeping on the floor while Sana was sleeping on the bamboo cane cot. Sid stretches his hands, yawns and stands up.

He looks at Sana. She is still sleeping. The sun rays are kissing her face. Sid comes closer to her face and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"When she sleeps, she looks just like a baby. So innocent, so cute. Sometimes I feel this is the real beauty. Without any make-up, how beautiful she is looking! I can stare at her forever like this." Says in his mind.

Suddenly Sana opens her eyes and sees Sid.

"What are you doing here?" Sana asks in a sleepy voice.

Sid quickly moves away a little.

"No, I...Umm...I was just checking if you are okay or not." Says Sid hesitantly.

"No, I should have not stared at her like that. What will she think about me?" Says Sid in his mind.

"SID. Come here." Sana goes to the door and calls him.

"Yeah coming. What happened?" Sid goes to her and asks.

"The door is opened." Says Sana.

Sid looks at the door.

"Maybe when we were sleeping, they opened it." Says Sid.

"Yeah. Let's go and give them a piece of our mind." Says Sana and goes downstairs.

Sid follows her.

Jasmine, Aly and Rahul were chatting, standing on the stairs. Sana goes to them and says strictly, "Come to my room fast." and goes.

"We are finished." Says Jasmine in a low voice. Then three of them follows Sana.

At Sana's Room...

"Now who is gonna tell me what happened yesterday? Why you did this?" Asks Sana and gives an angry look at them.

"I d..don't know anything. Ask Rahul." Says Jasmine.

"Rahul, so you are behind this?" Asks Sid.

"No bhaiya, I didn't do anything." Says Rahul.

"You all are behind this and I'm sure." Says Sana.

"But do you have any proof? You can't blame us without any proof. It's enough Di. You're my elder sister but you can't blame me as per your convenience. You two were locked in the rooftop during the whole night, so what can we do about it? Now please let us go. Aly, Rahul come." Says Jasmine, wipes away her fake tears and goes out of the room. Rahul and Aly follow her.

"Sid, did you see how she talked to me?" Says Sana.

"Leave it yaar. Don't forget that they helped us to become best friends again." Says Sid and smiles.

Sana smiles back.

After leaving the room, Jasmine, Aly and Rahul starts laughing loudly.

"Jasmine you are really a drama queen." Says Aly.

"I think everything between Di and Bhaiya sorted out. And none could catch our plan also. So that means we are successful." Says Jasmine.

Then three of them gives high five.

Later That Day...

Sana, Sid, Rahul, Jasmine and Aly goes for a walk around the village. They are walking on the raw road and there are trees on the both side of the road. Obviously Sana is carrying her camera and taking pictures.

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