Chapter 4: Love At First Sight?

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Sunday Morning...

Sid is sleeping in his room. After a while his Mom knocks at the door.

"Sid, open the door beta."

"Mom it's Sunday. Let me sleep." Says Sid and puts pillow on his ear.

"Sid you forgot that you have to go to the station to pick up your Dadi." Says Rita ji.

"Oh God!" Sid gets up from his bed.

He yawns, stretches his hands and opens the door.

"Mom, you said that you don't like waking me up from sleep. Then why did you wake me up today?" Asks Sid.

"I won't but your Dadi is coming after this long. You should pick her up on time." Says Rita ji.

"Okay. Give me two minutes to change." Says Sid and goes to washroom.

He gets freshed and changes his cloths quickly. Then he comes downstairs

"We will have breakfast after you come. And I invited Sana at breakfast."

"Okay. I'll come quickly then." Says Sid and goes to the station.

In the train...

Rashmi looks outside the window. She never came this far from Ahmedabad. It's her dream to work for a big company like Shukla Creations. Will she be able to do it well?

Suddenly her phone rings.

"Hello Janhvi."

"Hello. Have you reached Mumbai?"

"No. It may take 15 minutes more."

"Ok. Call me after reaching."

Rashmi hangs up the phone.

At the station...

Sid reaches the station. He gets down from his car and goes near the train.

He tries to find his Dadi. He calls her but her phone doesn't connect.

Sid was walking and trying to connect Dadi on phone. Suddenly he bumps into someone.

"Ouch!" Says Rashmi.

Sid turns and looks at Rashmi.

Sid becomes speechless. Looks like he is totally mesmerized by her beauty. He just keeps looking at her without saying anything.

Rashmi becomes annoyed. "Why are you staring like this? You don't have the manner to say sorry also." Says Rashmi and goes away.

But why he couldn't say anything? There is some magic in her face which hypnotized him. But who is she?

Suddenly someone puts a hand on Sid's shoulder. He turns back.

"Arrey Dadi, what are you doing here? How did you get down from the train yourself?" Asks Sid.

"I'm not that old my child." Says Dadi.

Sid puts his Dadi's luggage in his car and starts driving. While driving he was thinking about that girl. "How beautiful she is! I never met anyone as beautiful as her. Will I meet her again?" Thinks Sid in his mind.

At Sid's House...

Rita ji was busy in the kitchen. Suddenly she hears the sound of doorbell.

A maid-servant opens the door. It's Sana. After entering Sana runs to the kitchen and hugs Rita ji from the back.

"Hello Aunty, How are you?" Asks Sana.

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