Chapter 16: Leave For A Week

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At Sid's office...

"Rashmi, here is all the files and the office key and the emails I already sent you. In my absence the office is your responsibility. Hope you'll handle it." Says Sid.

"Don't worry Sidharth. You just enjoy your friend's marriage. I'll take care of office." Rashmi says with a smile.

"I trust you. That's why I'm giving you the responsibility."

"Hmm. By the way I'll miss you." Rashmi makes an innocent face.

"I'll miss you too. But it's just for one week. After that I'll be back." Says Sid and hugs Rashmi.

"I think you should go now. Unless you will miss the train."

"Yeah you're right. Ok bye. Take care." Says Sid and leaves.

At Sana's Studio...

"Is it necessary to go?" Says Paras sadly.

"Of course. Shefali is my childhood friend. How can I miss her wedding?" Says Sana.

"But one week..."

"Don't be sad. I'll call you regularly. Take care of yourself." Says Sana.

She was about to leave but suddenly Paras holds her hands.

"Please don't go right now. Stay for a while."

"What are you doing? We are at the studio." Says Sana. She is feeling embarrassed.

Paras still doesn't releases her hand.

"Paras, let her go." Mahira shouts and parts their hands. "What if she miss the train? It's her friend's wedding. Sana you can go now. I'll take care of everything." Says Mahira nicely.

"Ok bye." Says Sana. One last time she looks at them and leaves.

"From when Mahira started caring for me?" Says Sana in her mind.

"You enjoy your friend's wedding. But after your return everything will be changed. Your boyfriend will be mine and it's Mahira Sharma's promise." Says Mahira in her mind and smirks.

At the station...

"Jasmine, Rahul, where are your Di and Bhaiya?" Asks Aly.

"Seriously. They're always late." Says Jasmine.

Suddenly Sid comes.

"Here you're. The train is about to leave. Where is Sana Di?" Asks Rahul.

"I don't know. Isn't she here?" Asks Sid.

"No. Let's get onto the train with our luggage. She  will come." Says Aly.

The gets onto the train.

"Oh God! I'm so late. It's all happened for Paras. I have to run fast."

Sana starts running. But before she could reach, the train already started leaving the platform.

"Fuck!" Sana runs as fast as possible.

Sid looks out of the door and notices Sana.

"Fast Sana fast." Says Sid and gives his hand.

Somehow Sana becomes successful to hold Sid's hand.

As soon as she holds his hand, he pulls her inside.

Sana is running out of breath. She looks at Sid and realizes that they are very close now. They both are a few inches apart. Sid is tightly holding Sana's shoulders while Sana's hands are on his chest. They stands still for a few moments.

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