Chapter 2: Family time

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Sana's family at the dining table...

It's a four-seater dining table. Four members are eating silently. From outside it looks like 'Small Family Happy Family'. But is it true? Let's take a closer look.

So as I told, everyone was eating silently. Santokh ji breaks the silence.

"Sana, how is your work going?" Says Santokh ji.

Sana becomes a little surprised and stops eating.

"My work? It's going well." Replies Sana.

"Good. I think it's time to think about your marriage."

"M-marraige? But I am not ready for..."

"You promised me that when you will get established in your life, you will marry."

"But if she doesn't want it, don't force her." Interrupts Parminder ji.

"Did I ask you?" Says Santokh ji looking at his wife.

She becomes silent.

Sana gets irritated. "Ok, tell me whom I have to marry?"

"I have always wanted you and Jasmine to marry Siddharth and Rahul" says Santokh ji.

Jasmine was eating. She suddenly starts coughing.

"What happened Jas? Drink water quickly." Sana pats Jasmine's back and gives her a glass of water.

After drinking water, Jasmine stops coughing. "Papa why are you dragging me into this? Me and Rahul are only friends. I can't marry him. I love A.." Jasmine understands she was going to say something wrong so she stops.

To cover her up Sana suddenly raises her voice. "Papa what we have done? Why you always tell us what to do. We are mature enough to take our own decisions. Why will we always follow your wishes?"

Santokh ji makes his voice more louder than Sana. "When did you follow my wishes? Answer me. Did you two choose your profession according to my wish? Did I ever want you to do photography? Or did I want your sister to do singing? I wanted you to join Shukla Creations. Look at your friend Shefali, Siddharth. Where are they and where are you now! How much do you earn from that photographic studio?"

Sana keeps her spoon aside and stands up. "Papa, photography is my passion. I don't do it to make money only. What I earn, that's enough for me. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going to my room." Says Sana.

"At least finish your dinner..." Says Parminder ji.

"I'm no more hungry." Replies Sana, washes her hands and goes to her room.

"Me too Mummy." Says Jasmine and follows her sister.

When Jasmine enters the room, the room was totally dark and Sana was sitting on the bed. Jasmine realizes that her mood is off so she goes to Sana and hugs her.

"Di, don't be sad. You know how Papa is. It's not something new."

Sana turns to Jasmine. "I know dear. But I feel very bad when Papa talks like this. He never understands our feelings." Says Sana.

Jasmine keeps quite for sometimes. Then she says, "By the way Papa is quiet right about one thing. You should marry Siddharth bhaiya. You two look good together."

"Jas, you again started this. You know me and Sidharth are.."

"Best friends. I know it. But love begins from friendship."

"Oh really! Then why don't you marry Rahul?"

"Because I am not single like you. I have a boyfriend which you already know."

"Hmm. By the way when are you going to tell Mummy, Papa about Aly?"

"I don't know di. If Papa comes to know that I love a muslim guy, he will definitely kill me."

Sana laughs.

"You love him right?" Asks Sana.

Jasmine nods.

"Then don't worry. Everything will be fine. True love always wins." Says Sana with a smile.

Jasmine hugs Sana for one more time.

Sid's family at the dining table...

It's a six-seater dining table. There are five members in Sid's family. But only three members are having dinner.

Sid puts a piece of 'Paratha' in his mouth and says, "Mom, it's too good."

"Then you should eat one more." Replies Rita ji.

"No Mom. I'm full. I can't eat more." Says Sid.

"Rahul, will you..."

"No no Mom. I have had more than enough already." Says Rahul, putting hand on his stomach.

Rita ji laughs. "It's ok. I won't force you"

"Mom, where are Bhaiya and Bhabi?" Asks Sid.

"They have gone to a party" replies Rita ji.

"Oh! It's nothing new. They goes to parties everyday." Says Rahul in a sarcastic way.

Abhinav and Rubina was entering then. They hears everything.

"Actually Rahul, we have many friends and they are from high society. That's why almost everyday we have some invitations." Says Rubina.

"Oh sorry! Thanks for reminding me that you guys make friends by watching class." Says Rahul.

"Of course. We don't have middle-class friends like you." Says Rubina.

Rahul was going to say something but Sid stops him. "Rahul, stop behaving like a kid."

Abhinav also stops Rubina. "Rubi, why are you wasting time? Let's go to our room. I'm very tired. Mom we are going to our room." Says Abhinav.

Rita ji doesn't say anything.

After finishing dinner, Sidharth goes to Rahul's room.

There is a guitar beside his bed. Sidharth takes the guitar and plays a tune.

He loves playing guitar. When he was a child, he wanted to be a singer. But after his father's death, his responsibilities increased. So he couldn't fulfil his dream. That's why he never stops Rahul from running after his dream.

Rahul was listening Sid's playing. After Sid stopped, Rahul enters the room.

"Amazing bhaiya." Rahul appreciates.

"Rahul, when did you come?" Asks Sid.

"When you started playing."

"Oh! You heard it."

"Yeah. It's really fantastic. You should join our band."

"Don't tell a lie. I can't play like you."

"I'm speaking the truth."

"Ok, ok, enough for today. I'm going to my room. Good night." Says Sid and goes to his room.

Suddenly his phone rings.

"Yeah Dev, say."

"I sent you the mails. You select the candidate whom we'll call for the interview."

Sid hangs up. He opens his Laptop and sees the mails where the designs were sent.

He was seeing designs, suddenly his eyes gets stuck in a design.

It is the best design he has ever seen. It's a bitter truth that Shukla Creation's designs aren't this beautiful. He mutters to himself, "Wow!"

Then Sid looks at the name written in the mail.

"Rashmi Desai"


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter.

Now guys if you have any question about Sid and Sana's family or past life, you can ask in the comment box. I'll answer all the questions in next update.

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