Chapter 22 : Businessman Of The Year

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Next Day At Sid's Office...

Sid goes to his cabin and sits on his chair. He looks everywhere. Then opens his laptop and checks everything.

"No, I was wrong. In my absence, Rashmi handled everything very well." Sid says in his mind.

Suddenly Rashmi enters.

"Good Morning Sidharth. So how's your office? Hope you are pleased to see that everything is fine here." Says Rashmi.

"Yeah. I should have not doubted you. Now I think I can take leave sometimes. You'll handle everything." Sid says and goes close to Rashmi.

"Listen, don't dare to go anywhere without me again." Rashmi says and pouted her lips.

Sid laughs.

"Ok ok. We will go on a trip together. Now happy?" Sid says.

Rashmi smiles.

"By the way Sid I have a surprise for you." Rashmi says.

"What's that?" Sid asks.

"First close your eyes." Rashmi says and leaves the cabin.

Sid closes his eyes.

After sometime Rashmi comes with a letter in her hand. She gives it to Sid. Sid opens his eyes and asks, "what's it?"

"Read it. You'll understand." Rashmi says.

Sid reads the letter.

"OMG! Rashmi is it true? I can't believe this. Please tell me it's a dream." Sid says excitedly.

Rashmi laughs.

"No Sid. It's reality. You are getting the businessman of the year award. I am so proud of you." Rashmi says.

Sid jumps out of joy and hugs Rashmi.

"Thank you Rashmi for giving this good news. You just made my day." Sid says.

Rashmi gently pushes him and says, "This calls for a celebration! What do you think? Let's go to the disco tonight." Rashmi says.

"Very good idea. Okay let me call Sana. She'll be super happy to know this. I'll tell her to join us." Sid says.

Suddenly Rashmi's face turns pale.

Sid was about to call Sana, suddenly Rashmi snatches his phone.

"What are you doing?" Sid asks

"Sid I want to spend time with you... alone...Why are you calling her?" Rashmi says.

"Rashmi, I thought we all will enjoy together. After all she is my..."

"Best friend. I know that. The whole week you were with her. Don't you think you should spend time with your girlfriend also? If you still want to call her then I'll not go with you." Rashmi says and turns her back on him.

Sid hugs Rashmi from her back.

"Okay baba it'll be just us. By the way, suddenly you are being very possessive. What happened to you? You were not like this." Sid says.



"Is it wrong to be possessive about my boyfriend?" Rashmi turns her head and asks.

"No. Rashmi Desai can't be wrong. She is always right." Sid says.

They both smiles looking at each other.

At Sana's Studio...

Sana enters the studio. Mandira Mam greets her.

"Good Morning Sana."

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