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You know that classic movie scene where the hero bravely strides into school after a major revelation about them, ready to confront the consequences? The day my family's secrets were laid bare with the entire school was no different.

As I walked through the familiar halls of my school that day, I could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on me. Whispers and hushed conversations followed me like a shadow, and I couldn't help but catch snippets of what people were saying.

"Did you hear about their family?"

"I can't believe it's true!"

"They're those heroes."

It was as if my world had turned upside down overnight. I was just another student known for my achievements and friendly demeanor just yesterday. But today, I was the protagonist of a real-life drama, a script I had no control over.

As I approached my locker, Claire awaited me. Her expression was a mix of concern and sympathy, and I appreciated her unwavering support during this turbulent time.

"Are you okay?" Claire asked in a soft voice.

I nodded, unable to find the right words to convey the whirlwind of emotions I was experiencing. The secrets of my family had been exposed, and it was a heavy burden to bear.

I took a deep breath and decided to face the situation head-on. The day's first class was a history lesson, and as I walked into the classroom, the teacher paused her lecture. All eyes turned towards me, and it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room.

The teacher said, "Our classmates have been through quite a lot recently, and we must offer our support."

I felt a strange mix of relief and embarrassment. At least the teacher was trying to ease the tension. As I took my seat, a few students offered sympathetic smiles while others looked away awkwardly, finding Mark, Noah, and Bryce in the back of the classroom, their hoodies flung over their heads.

Lunchtime was equally challenging. I sat at my usual spot in the cafeteria, but the once-few empty chairs now had a bustling table of fans lined up to meet us. Some of my people avoided our group, not knowing how to deal with the revelation about my family. I wondered how long it would take for things to return to some semblance of normalcy.

"Hey, Maddox. Thoughts about Alpha and the Golden Viper? Who would win in a fight?" Noah asked, his gaze narrowing across the cafeteria. Max and Sebastian were perched on a cafeteria table with the rest of the football team and cheerleaders. Naturally, I had confidence that I could always beat Max. Our powers were evenly matched, but rumors had it that I used to be a superhero back in Arizona, giving me more experience.

"Alpha, for sure," Claire muttered, her eyes flicking towards me as she slurped a pudding cup. I had taken up the mantle of the football team captain and lead quarterback, and Sebastian had dropped his confrontational attitude after his cousin, Bryce, became the Sterling Phoenix and cut ties with Max.

Max had been such a problem for the team that most football players had rallied behind me and the rest of our small super squad, especially after that video of me fighting Max finally surfaced in high school.

My eyes drifted to Claire, sitting next to me in the cafeteria. I pulled my hoodie over my broad shoulders, showing my chiseled abs as I stretched and yawned, exhausted from my after-school superhero work with my uncle. After a few days of being a city superhero, I became more comfortable with my Alpha persona. I couldn't believe it sometimes. I was a superhero again in my old city. Life was extraordinary.

Noah finished his fifth Three Musketeers wrapper and swallowed the chocolate bar whole. I wrapped my muscular arm around Claire, pulling her into a side hug. "Hey, babe," I said, leaning in to gently kiss her forehead. Sebastian looked like he might lose his lunch but managed to hold it together while sipping his cola and keeping an eye on our table.

I rolled my eyes as Claire's hand slipped into mine, my palm slightly clammy, and she wiggled her fingers in my grasp with a neutral expression.

"Do you think Kitty Electric will become one of the most notorious villains?" Shawn asked, directing his question to the boys, his gaze fixed on Mark and Bryce.

Madison growled softly, swinging her feet from her empty seat. "If I had the guts and the powers, I would put her under citizen's arrest." My eyes shifted to Mia, sitting with Max, her hands dangerously close to him, before returning to Claire. I could sense fear and anger building inside her. "What do you think?" she asked me.

"I..." I stuttered, realizing that my ex was in deep trouble. "I think..." I gulped, trying to keep my composure. "I don't believe she intended to harm anyone."

Noah chimed in, his glare fixed on Mark. "She's a terrorist threat," he added. I pulled Claire closer, rubbing her shoulders to provide some comfort.

"I actually agree with James," Mark said, squeezing Bryce's fingertips. "Deep down, I believe there's a good side to Kitty Electric."

There was a moment of silence before Dylan spoke up. "I'm not disagreeing either," he said. "But someone needs to stop her, and that's something Alpha and Silver Storm can't do alone." He frowned at me, offering a sympathetic look.

Kevin, a jock the boys usually avoided, turned around in his seat, one table in front of us. "How about you three do it right now." Kevin winked at Claire.

"Shut up, Kevin," Sebastian snapped at him before Noah could intervene.

"Whoa there, snappy. Calm down. It was just a suggestion." Noah took Kevin's side, wanting to hear more. Sebastian rolled his eyes but refrained from further arguing when I cleared my throat and changed the subject.

"How's your dad doing, Seba?" I asked him, catching him off guard.

"My dad?" Sebastian stammered.


"None of your fucking business," he retorted, his hand clutching the back of his neck. He was known to lie when he felt uncomfortable. "Fine. He's on a mission, while Dexter is in charge." We all exchanged glances, knowing this would be tough on him and Bryce.

Bryce tried to get my attention, indicating that Dexter and Thomas had gone on leave to deal with Max's super threat. Sebastian had crossed a line with his dad the other day, confessing about Max's threats against his family and Kyra and Bryce's, making Henry a potential target. Sebastian's ego problem seemed to be fading, just like Mark's, but he still had an attitude.

"Uh," Sebastian cleared his throat. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" he asked me.

"Uh, yeah, sure," I replied.

"I need to talk to you after school, James," Noah said.

I scoffed. "Okay."

Mark rolled his eyes and grumbled, clearly annoyed. "Whatever, I need to get out of here. I feel claustrophobic in this stuffy cafeteria." He leaned back, running his fingers through his shaggy, box-dyed black hair, keeping his eyes on the fans flirting with us from nearby tables, then on Mia. He stood up, grabbed his tray and backpack, and stormed off.

"What's wrong with him?" Easton finally spoke, his aqua eyes narrowing at Bryce.

Bryce shrugged, stuffing a fry from his tray into his mouth. "Don't worry about it. He's just in a bad mood." He replied before getting up and rushing after Mark.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now