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I shifted uncomfortably on the splintered wooden bench next to my dad, trying not to draw attention to myself. Principal Gates' heavy boot steps echoed through the hallway, and a shiver ran down my spine. He was younger than my father and stood almost a foot taller. His office door creaked open, and he gestured for us to enter.

"Hello, my name is Principal Gates, and I'm assuming you're Noah because I heard James couldn't make it today," said Principal Gates: Principal Gates, or P. Gates, as I called him, introduced himself, his glasses dropping off the bridge of his nose, and he smiled like a bloody bum. I sat back against the bench, rolling my eyes and muttering. Sam made me sit up from my seat by imitating a cough and glaring at me. I tried to emulate an American accent as best I could.

"Yeah, I'm Noah. Noah, uh, Knight." I turned to my father, who gave me a thumbs up. My false accent seemed to amuse my father. I cocked my head and smiled.

"Noah, it's a pleasure to meet you. We'll get you started if you come into my office," P. Gates remarked. I slid past Principal Gates and sat in front of the front desk. Gates took the main chair, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, while Sam took the seat next to me.

"Your file says you're in eleventh grade?" P. Gates remarked. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Last time I checked, I was in junior high school." I sat straight and swallowed my pride as my dad stared at me.


"A straight-A student?" He wondered out loud, impressed. He pushed his spectacles into place as he looked up from my file.

"Yes," I said once more. Principal Gates then extended his hand, which I firmly shook.

"Welcome to Los Angeles High School, kid," he said. P. Gates shook his throbbing hand as Sam again frowned at me.

"Firm grip. Do you play any sports?" Gates asked.

I grinned sheepishly. "I always wanted to play football," I confessed.

"Nope, but Noah can't wait to start school." Sam shut me down, and I deflated against the chair.

He ignored my response while taking a sip of his mid-morning coffee. "You know we have a kid who looks exactly like you." He looked me up and down. There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then, P Gates shook Sam's hand with a big smile and looked Sam up and down. "Are you related to the Police Chief by any chance?"

"Yeah," Sam said, glancing at me briefly as my eyes shifted anxiously to the door. "Why don't you sit in the hallway while I sign some paperwork?" He spoke. I grunted and rolled my eyes but reluctantly gave in and walked out of the principal's office, sitting back down on the bench.



Derek walked into the bathroom, and I glimpsed myself in the mirror. After spending hours in my bedroom, my blue eyes returned, snapping pictures every few minutes to monitor the changes. The blue contact lenses my dad had bought from the store that night for extra security weren't necessary—I was relieved at this realization. Still, I kept them in my room, just in case.

"Are you feeling better now because you look a lot better?" He spoke. I glared at Derek, annoyed, still staring into the mirror, and he rolled his eyes at me, unfazed.

"That doesn't work on me anymore, Alpha," Derek said, his gaze meeting mine in the mirror. This time, I rolled my eyes. "Sam and Noah will be home soon, and I heard Henry talking to Dad about possibly coming over right now." He spoke. I hadn't seen Uncle Henry or my cousins in years, so it was a surprise that they were coming over, and it made me smile.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now