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"Would you mind if I take the boys for the day?" Henry asked, catching me off guard. It was too late to back out now. Henry Knight stood on the front porch, looking at Noah and me with a puzzled expression.

"Wait, what the heck?" I blurted out. Henry seemed just as confused.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, a familiar gesture in my family. "Wait, there's two," he said, glancing between Noah and me. Then his eyes shifted to Sam. "How are there two? What did you do, Sam?" Henry looked at Sam for an explanation.

There was an awkward silence before Noah spoke up, trying to change the subject. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving," he said, attempting to head to the kitchen. I tried to go to my room, but Sam stopped us, insisting we all gather in the living room. We reluctantly followed, with Noah standing beside me, his arm draped around my shoulder.

As we settled in, Grace called out from the couch. "Hey, Uncle Henry!"

"Shut up, Grace," Noah and I said in unison, clearly annoyed. Henry raised an eyebrow, noting the resemblance.

"I see the resemblance," he commented, crossing his arms. His attention then shifted to Sam. "So, you're Bryce and Noah's biological father," Henry said, looking at each of us, then at Sam with a poker-face expression. He glanced at Matthew. "Have you told Dex yet?"

"Is he the one raising Bryce?" my dad asked, his gaze turning to me.

Henry nodded. "Yep, and Thomas is helping, too," he replied. My dad seemed deep in thought, searching for a response.

"No, I haven't had the time to call Dexter since we moved back," Sam admitted, breaking the silence. My dad sighed heavily.

"Oh boy," Henry responded with a stressed sigh and pursed lips. Sam then smiled at his brother. "I have a key to the house for you."

Henry looked at me and noticed Noah once again. "You two are so identical. I almost can't tell you apart from Bryce."

"I'm Bryce," Noah joked, grinning cockily. He could be such a jerk sometimes. I pushed my shoulder against his.

"Stop it, Noah," I growled. Noah smirked and mocked me with an American accent. Matthew intervened, telling him to knock it off.

Noah rolled his eyes, mirroring my annoyance. "You're not my dad."

"But I am. Knock it off," Sam roared, shutting Noah down. Noah grumbled and backed off.

"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for..." Noah feigned dramatics, and I pushed him again. "Shut up, Noah."

"You too, Bryce," Sam growled at me. I let out a long groan.

Henry raised an eyebrow, observing us. "Interesting. Noah has Dad and Alexander's accent," he pointed out, leaning against the doorway.

Noah grinned. "You mean, I got this accent from Grandpa, mate," he said, licking his lips. Of course, he got it from our grandfather.

Henry challenged him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah?"

Noah chuckled and glanced at me. "Eh, Americans are so weird anyway," he remarked. I rolled my eyes, mentally thinking, "We are American, dumbass." Noah playfully shoved me as if everyone could hear our silent argument.

"Bloody dick," Noah shot back with a raised eyebrow. "I lived in Australia for a while, genius."

"I have the car running, so if you want to come with us," Henry interjected, clapping his hands and gesturing to Noah, James, and me.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now