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Noah was sitting beside Grace when I abruptly entered the living room. I sat on the opposite side of Noah, beside Grace, on the L-shaped couch. Grace nestled into my broad chest, finding comfort, and I couldn't resist inviting her closer for warmth. Connor and Dylan were on the floor at the other end of the sofa. Madison wrapped herself in James' blanket, sitting by Noah's feet at the bottom of the brightly lit living room, where we watched an old Superman TV show rerun.

"I'm not even going to ask what that was about," Noah grimaced. I nodded silently, still in disbelief that my father possessed superpowers.

"Are you okay, Derek?" Dylan glanced at me, chewing on the drawstrings of his hoodie.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. Grace scoffed intrusively.

"He probably has IMS or Bipolar Depression, like his brother," she groaned. I glared at Grace, barely restraining myself from pushing her. Game on, bitch.

"Shut up, Gray," I grunted.

Grace chuckled. "See what I mean?" James walked into the room, glaring at her. Get them.

James muttered, his hands clenching, "I don't have bipolar depression." Grace widened her grin. I leaned back on the couch, rolling my eyes.

"The first stage is denial," she teased James. He looked as though he would pounce.

Noah hissed, "Fuck off, Grace."

"Do you guys always fight?" Madison, my cousin, stared at the four of us. It's much better than Grace, anyway.

I shrugged, "Pretty much." Dylan huffed in the corner, keeping his thoughts to himself.

There was a knock on the door, and we all turned our attention to the doorway. Sam opened the door, revealing Henry and Jaxton Taylor, my old buddy and childhood friend, standing outside. Jaxton had a broad smile, dressed in a sleeveless hoodie and basketball shorts. He looked like his father, with brown eyes, sun-kissed chocolate skin, and clean-shaven stubble on his chin. I grinned, pushed Grace away, and walked over to Jaxton. His smile grew even wider upon seeing me.

"How are you doing, Jaxton?" I greeted him. Sam let Jaxton and Henry into the house.

"I heard you guys came back to town. Are you and your father planning to join the Los Angeles police force?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. We have a lot of ground to cover," I replied with a smile.

"That's cool," Jaxton responded. When Jaxton noticed James using his phone in the living room, he crept up behind him and ruffled his hair. Unfazed, James looked up from his phone.

"Hey, Jaxton," I said. James acknowledged him. Madison walked away, tossing her blanket on Noah, who slid beneath the blankets and gazed at Jaxton.

"Hey, mate," Noah smiled. Standing in the hallway, Jaxton turned to stare at Sam. The resemblance to my uncle, right down to the brown eyes and curly hair, was uncanny.

"That's Noah. He's Sam's kid. I'll explain later," Grace cleared her throat, and Jaxton looked her way.

"Sup', I'm Grace," Grace grinned at Jaxton, giving him a thorough once-over. Dear God.

"Her too," I added, giving Grace a side glance.

Jaxton seemed surprised. "Geez. Your family tree has now become a bush." James and I laughed. No kidding.

"Isn't that the truth," I mumbled.

Noah looked lost. "What the bloody hell is a family tree?" he pondered. Henry walked over, joining Jaxton, James, and me.

"Well, kid," Henry slammed his hand onto Jaxton's broad shoulder. "I have to get the kids home. Can I leave you here? Derek would be happy to give you a lift home."

Hell yeah.

"There are a few things we could catch up on before I start work next week," I suggested. Jaxton grinned and looked at me as if he could read my mind.

"Yeah," he replied. Henry grinned, slapping Jaxton's shoulder again.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow at the station, kid. Good night." Henry walked out, followed by my teenage cousins, and the door closed. We waited until Henry drove away, and Jaxton plopped down on the couch; I sat beside him.

"Doing anything super these days, kid?" Jaxton smirked at James. James looked up from his phone again.

"Uh, not exactly. Derek has powers now," James tried to avoid small talk. I grimaced. Damn it, James. Sam and Matthew walked into the room.

"So do Sam and my dad," I redirected the attention. My dad looked annoyed yet entertained as the room fell silent. Then, all eyes turned to my dad.

"Fuck me dead; he's bloody serious. What did Max do this time?" Noah cursed. The attention shifted. My dad crossed his arms over his chest.

"Max is such a bloody fuckwit," Grace added.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. "English, please." Grace huffed, glaring at me.

"I misspoke. Derek's the fuckwit," she snarled. Noah chuckled at Grace, leaning back against the couch.

"She's calling you an idiot, dude," he remarked. No duh. I rolled my eyes. My father exchanged glances with us, Sam cleared his throat, and Jaxton sat back, observing the unfolding event.

"But seriously, what did he do to you?" Noah pressed. Jaxton looked fascinated. Matthew took a quick, deep breath in and out.

"He injected me with some substance. I think it was someone's blood," Noah sucked in sharply.

"Fuck. That's what they did with my blood," James exclaimed, his anger evident this time. Noah chuckled at James.

"You dunce. You let Max take your blood?" James leaned back against the couch, staring at Noah. "They took my powers, dude."

Noah chuckled even more. "Nice going, Ace." All of us, except Grace, glared at Noah. Finally, Noah threw his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop," Noah bit his tongue. Jaxton looked surprised. "You left out a lot when you texted me earlier."

I shrugged. "I got busy," I took a breath. "Do you want to go for a walk or something, bro?"

Jaxton smiled. "Sure, dude, as long as you don't use me as flight practice like your brother," James huffed, throwing his hands up.

"That was one time, Jaxton, and I was eleven," James snapped. Jaxton raised an eyebrow at James. James seemed unfazed and backed down, intimidated by a superhuman sixteen-year-old. Jaxton and I stood up from the couch and headed out the door.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now