Cosmic Twins: The Heart of the Fire - Chapter Four

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Noah's POV

   Having a twin has its perks. For one, you're never lonely. Bryce and I could talk forever, and we often did, with no one knowing.

   Second, we were each other's twin flames. That was ironic because Bryce could manipulate fire, while I could manipulate electricity. We used to refer to each other as Bryah, Noah, plus Bryce. We were inseparable until the day we got separated. Still, I would visit my brother whenever I could or whenever I was in town.

   I didn't see Bryce much after our thirteenth birthday. We were in search of dad. He moved since we came back to the united states, and we were unsuccessful in locating him for a while, but that's another story for another bloody glorious day.

"Do you think we'll ever find dad?" Bryce interrupted my thoughts and went back to my crummy motel bedroom.

"I don't know, Bryce," I told him. "But if we ever do, I don't think killing him would stop Alexander."

"Yeah," Bryce agreed. "I don't believe dad is such a bad guy."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too. Maybe Dad was misunderstood, or we missed something. Maybe—"

"Noah!" Alexander called from the bathroom.

"Speaking of uncle dearest—" I said. Bryce chuckled.

"Have fun, Noah."

"Yeah, you go have fun with your rich-kid life while I move from hotel to hotel."

"I can always tell him—"


"NOAH!" Alex growled again.

"Got to go. I love you, Bryce."

"Love you, Noah," I replied. Then there was dead silence as I raced to the bathroom. Alex knotted his tie, staring at himself in the mirror as I wandered in.

"Noah, I want you to find out where Max left. Bring him back and tell him I have an important task for him."

"Why?" I asked Alexander. Alex slid the e-cig from his teeth and let out a husky growl. He threw out his hand, chucking me against a wall with an invisible force. My back crashed against the hotel wall, and it caved in.

"Because I said so," He snapped. I yanked myself from the drywall and dusted myself off. Then Bryce's voice appeared in my head.

"If I had the guts, I would beat the shit out of Alexander," He muttered.

"Yeah, me too," I told my brother. But neither of us had the guts to do that. We were kids, and Alex was a powerful, abusive son of a bitch. There was so much I would give up to see my uncle suffer and lose everything. It was a matter of time. He would get his karma one day.


Bryce's POV

"For the thousandth time, Bryce, you are not joining the football team," my dad, Dexter, growled, pacing the room in sheer panic. "What did I tell you about using your powers at school?"

"It was an accident," I screeched.

"It was an accident that won't happen again because you're not joining the team, Bryce," my dad snapped. Sebastian snickered in the background before Thomas snapped at him.

"Knock it off, Sebastian," He growled.

"Bryce, I don't care if it was an accident. You need to be more careful with your abilities."

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