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"Hey," Claire greeted me with a smile, placing her tray in front of me. Noah and Bryce had gone to get lunch, leaving me captivated by Claire's enchanting chocolate eyes. "Mind if I sit beside you?" she asked, her sad puppy dog expression lingering in my mind.

"Where's Shawn?" I inquired. Claire threw her backpack on the seat next to her and sat down.

"Shawn had his wisdom teeth removed and won't be here for a week," she replied. Her foot slipped next to mine, and we briefly played footsies.

"Are you guys going to try out for football?" I asked, stuffing a chicken tender into my mouth, swallowing my pride. "That new guy told Shawn he'd make you join only if he got to kick your ass." Was it a challenge? My eyes briefly shifted to Mark, who seemed to watch me somberly.

"Mark?" I clarified, taking a sip of my drink. "Yeah, he's a jerk." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Claire frowned, intertwining her hand with mine as I gazed at the table. "At least it's not Sebastian," she said, recalling my brother's wise words. She smiled, linking her foot with mine. "Maybe this is an opportunity for you two to work things out. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, and whatever issues you have with him—"

I growled, directing my eyes toward Mark, who was scowling at his food. "You have no idea what you're getting into, Claire," I responded, taking a deep breath.

Claire shook her head. "What is it about him that bothers you?"

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," she challenged.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you," I said, gazing into her beautiful brown eyes again. "I like you, but you shouldn't invade my personal life—"

"It's alright, James. I know, and I like you too. You're not a jerk. You're right," she replied, hurt evident in her eyes as she looked away from me, sunlight twinkling through the window.

Suddenly, Noah and Bryce slammed their trays on the table. "Will you two lovebirds just kiss already?" Noah puckered his lips at me, causing laughter to escape his mouth.

"Fuck you, Noah," I growled, watching him laugh like a maniac.

He glanced shyly at Claire, who was hiding behind her hoodie. "He likes you, you know," he whispered, tapping his temple.

"Shut up, Noah. I don't like her... maybe? I don't know," I stammered, feeling my face turn bright red. All three of them watched me, amused by my embarrassment.

"And if he doesn't try out for the football team, I will," Noah declared. My gaze followed Noah and Bryce to Sebastian sitting at a corner table. Bryce handed his letterman jacket to a cheerleader, and his lips met with Meghan Goffman, his girlfriend. Noah's palm hit my shoulder, and I shot him a glare. Even thinking about football tryouts, Noah was convinced it was a terrible idea. But he was doing it for Bryce, and I reluctantly agreed, only for Bryce's sake.

"I never said I wouldn't," I blurted out before stuffing fries into my mouth. Claire playfully stroked my foot with hers.

"How cute. You have a little crush on Claire, mate," Noah squinted his eyes, teasing me while stuffing mac and cheese into his mouth. How did he manage to do that so effortlessly? Someone, please explain his superpowers to me.

I leaned on my palm, consuming the high school cafeteria mac and cheese. It was surprisingly better than expected. We still hadn't gathered the courage to invite our cousins to the table. The anxiety of revealing our powers held us back.

"Ugh, I hate school," Noah groaned, leaning against the lunchroom table. I sat there quietly, absentmindedly pushing around fries and the remaining chicken tenders on my tray. Suddenly, I felt a warm breath behind me.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now