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DISCLAIMER ⚠️: Please note that the following scene contains mature content. Feel free to skip this part if you are uncomfortable with such content. However, it is integral to the storyline. Thank you.



"So, can you finally explain how I ended up with your child, Sam?" Dexter paced around the living room, occasionally glancing at me and Bryce.

"Remember back in high school when I texted you and Danielle to meet me in the janitor's closet?" I asked.

"Yeah, and you almost blasted our heads off that day with your heat vision. It almost scared Danielle into labor," Dexter chuckled nervously, stopping his pacing. "I always suspected a connection between Bryce and you, but I never imagined he would be your son."

I chuckled. "I know, right?"

Noah cleared his throat, ensuring we noticed the four boys sitting silently observing in the background- Mark, James, Noah, and Bryce. Thomas was present, too, listening intently. I hadn't confided in him since Dex was my best friend during high school. Dex's daughter, Kyra, sat upstairs on the staircase with headphones and an old iPod, touch-probably a gift from Dexter, who never stopped indulging in his music even for a second, ignoring my powers.

"All these years and you never said a word, Samual," Dex remarked.

"I had my hands full," I shrugged.

Dexter laughed. "With these kids, I don't doubt it. But why did you give up, Bryce?" His question put me in the most challenging situation I had ever faced, aside from being coerced into working for the government and discovering I had children. It hurt deeply when I learned my brother had brainwashed them into super-soldier villains who despised me.

I shifted my gaze to Bryce, who wore a sorrowful expression. "To be honest, I didn't even know I had children. If I had known my best friend was caring for my son, I would have visited more often."

Dexter smiled, patting my shoulder. "I would have let you, Sam. Your son is a good kid. But I understand that looking after a super can be challenging. I don't know how you do it."

"Noah," I scolded as he tried to interject. He bit his tongue and chewed on his lip, annoyed. "That's alright. We're fine. He was sitting here watching this conversation. We're okay," he added, irritated. My kid had a knack for getting on people's nerves. Dex briefly resumed pacing but quickly halted.

"Noah!" Thomas snapped.

"You're not my uncle," Noah snapped back.

"I don't care whose kid you are. Let them work this out for a moment," Thomas responded, calmer this time.

"It's alright," I reassured, shifting my posture to face Noah. "Noah does that sometimes. He gets it from me."

"I bet he does," Dexter chimed in. "But you've changed a lot since we last saw each other. This super-dad thing has transformed you."

"Yeah, I've been through a lot. Helping Matthew raise his sons, and after James gained..." I started, interrupted by Dexter.

"How's Matt?" Dexter asked.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now