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The hospital bustled with activity as nurses hurriedly moved from one patient to another. We ushered a group of injured individuals through the emergency entrance, hoping to secure beds for them.

Mark cradled a young boy, barely clinging to life as we entered the double doors. All attention in the hospital shifted towards us, and the medical staff momentarily gazed at the four boys in superhero attire escorting a group of badly wounded mob members. They were just barely our age.

The urgency weighed heavily on us as we made our way through the chaotic hospital corridors. The boy's labored breaths served as a constant reminder of the dire circumstances. We knew that every second counted.

Nurses and doctors soon snapped out of their momentary surprise and sprang into action. They swiftly brought stretchers to accommodate the injured, and medical professionals rushed to assess their conditions. The juxtaposition of our superhero attire with the injured gang members in this bustling hospital made for an unusual sight, prompting curious whispers and occasional gasps from onlookers.

A seasoned nurse approached us and asked, "What happened?"

"You've ever heard of señor de Los Tigres' son?" Mark asked.

The nurse nodded without asking any more questions. "Thank you for bringing them in," she said, her voice filled with fear. "We'll do everything we can to save their lives."

Finally, the doctor approached us with a solemn expression. "The one boy is in critical condition," he said, his voice heavy. "But thanks to your quick actions, they're all still alive. We're doing everything possible, but it will be touch and go."

We nodded. "I recommend calling the sheriff's department and seeing about putting them in protective custody," Bryce suggested.

"Yeah, I heard something about señor de Los Tigres's son being involved?" the doctor asked.

"He may or may not be," Noah added with a huff of air, scratching his neck in stress.

The hospital continued to buzz with activity as the injured gang members received immediate medical attention. We felt relief and anxiety as we watched the medical team work tirelessly to stabilize their conditions.

The doctor nodded. "I'll make the necessary arrangements with the authorities," he said. "We'll ensure their safety while they're here."

As the medical team continued their efforts, we stepped away to a quieter corner of the hospital, away from the prying eyes of curious onlookers.

Mark's voice was filled with concern. "We need to figure out how deep this shit goes."

Mark looked at each of us with determination in his eyes. "We've got to gather whatever information we can about the people behind this and keep an eye on these guys. They might be the key to unraveling this whole fucked up mess."

Noah nodded in agreement. "We also need to watch our backs. We don't know who we can trust." Noah leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought. "And if Alexander's involved, there's a power struggle within the criminal underworld. We're fucked."

Bryce added, "Right now, our priority should be keeping these guys safe and discovering how deep they're in with these criminals. We need information, but we also need to be discreet. We can't risk exposing ourselves or them further."

In that critical moment, a nurse approached us with a look that blended gratitude and worry, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions. She spoke to us in a hushed yet urgent tone, acknowledging the courageous act of bringing those injured patients in. "You boys did something incredibly brave by bringing those patients in," she began, her voice filled with admiration and concern. "But I need to stress the importance of caution here. The individuals associated with them are dangerous, and you may be putting yourselves in harm's way."

"We know," I replied firmly. "But we can't just walk away. This dumb ass brought Senior Tigr's son to the United States," Mark quickly glared at Noah who seemingly glared back out of spite.

The nurse nodded. "I can't officially endorse your actions, but I'll keep my ears open for any information that might assist you."

"Thank you," I said, breaking the silence. "We, uh, need to return to our duties."

As we prepared to leave, a burly patient with casts on his arm and leg interjected, his curiosity piqued. "Are you guys some kind of superheroes or something?"

Noah smiled cryptically. "You could say something like that." With that, we continued on our way toward the emergency exit, passing a group of police officers apprehending a combative individual in handcuffs. They saluted us, their reactions surprisingly nonchalant at the sight of our distinctive suits, before we soared into the sky, causing a commotion among the people below who looked on in awe and wonder.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now